How to have breakfast properly. Sovetuet winner of the show Weighted and Happy

Breakfast is the most important part of your daily diet. Nutritionists have been talking about this for years. How to have breakfast in order to feel a surge of energy throughout the day, according to the winner of the show Important and Happy 4 - read in our material.

The best diets: how to eat to lose weight

Breakfast is the meal that is responsible for your mood and energy throughout the day. If you cannot get out of bed after 7 hours of sleep, which is quite enough for recovery, and then you feel “broken”, it means that there is something wrong with your diet and your body is not receiving the nutrients it needs. Or there is little physical activity in your life.

Yulia Fomina, who managed to lose more than 60 kilograms of excess weight and at the same time “maintain” her new figure, advises starting the day with light exercise so that the body can wake up. Next, you can eat.

“It’s best to start your day with exercise. And after 40 minutes, start breakfast. For breakfast, you can eat something that you absolutely cannot eat in the evening: a piece of chocolate or candy,” says Fomina. She also emphasizes that breakfast is the most important meal, and should not be skipped under any circumstances, both by those who are losing weight and those who keep fit.

“If you don’t eat in the morning, it’s simply impossible to lose weight,” emphasizes the winner of the show Important and Happy.

Watch online video What a proper breakfast should be. Nutritionist advice