Alcohol diet: what you need!

You probably know that doctors advise avoiding alcohol when losing weight. However, if you, like many other people, do not want to give up your favorite drink, then the alcohol diet developed by the famous British nutritionist Guttersen may be exactly what you need.

According to rumors, this diet was actually invented and followed by William the Conqueror, King of England. One day, the ruler was faced with the problem of being overweight, and not a single horse could withstand his build. Then Wilhelm decided to completely give up food, replacing it with beer and wine. How effective such a diet was is unknown, because the Conqueror soon died after falling from his horse. But today we can learn and use the principles of this diet.

The Gattersen alcohol diet allows you to lose weight by drinking quality wine and without strict restrictions on food. In other words, while eating according to Gattersen, you can eat whatever you want, just drink a glass of red wine after eating. However, to get the maximum effect, you need to follow several rules:

  1. Drink dry, unsweetened wines - they have fewer calories.
  2. If you notice that alcohol, even in small quantities, leads to weight gain, contact your gynecologist.
  3. Remember that the main disadvantage of alcohol is the increased appetite that comes with drinking.
  4. Do not overestimate the role of wine in losing weight: this drink does not burn fat, but helps break it down (fatty foods are better absorbed, that is, converted into energy, and not stored).
  5. Don't worry if there is no obvious result: drinking a couple of glasses of wine daily reduces the risk of stroke by 2 times.
  6. Drinking a glass of wine every day is especially beneficial for people who work at a computer all day.
  7. Red wine contains a higher concentration of substances that provoke migraines, but, according to scientists, it is healthier than white wine.
  8. Drink only good quality wines.

Some people, especially girls, may take the phrase “alcohol diet” literally and replace food with alcoholic drinks. Doctors call such a mono-diet, consisting of only alcoholic drinks, drankorexia. Many of them consider this a mental disorder and banal drunkenness. However, the Gattersen alcohol diet is not a mono-diet and does not involve replacing food with alcohol. Instead, she suggests moderate consumption of quality wine paired with a balanced diet.

Of course, it should be remembered that moderate alcohol consumption is recommended only for healthy people who have no contraindications. If you have a medical problem related to drinking alcohol or if you are taking medications, you should consult your doctor before starting an alcohol diet.

It is also worth noting that the Guttersen alcohol diet is not a panacea for weight loss. Although drinking red wine can help break down fat, losing weight still requires a lot of other efforts, such as exercise and eating right. Additionally, alcohol consumption should be moderate to avoid alcohol-related side effects.

Overall, the Guttersen Alcohol Diet may be an interesting option for those who don't want to give up alcohol completely but still want to lose weight. However, before starting this diet, you must consult a doctor and follow the rules of moderate alcohol consumption to avoid negative consequences.