How to lose weight correctly?

There are only a couple of months left before the beach season, and therefore we are increasingly thinking about losing the kilograms that we managed to put on over the winter. But the diet will not last long if you do not have the right psychological attitude to lose weight.

  1. "White" envy or inspiration

Only in matters of losing weight can envy become a real cure. Watching how your office colleague or your front door neighbor is getting slimmer, you immediately think: “I wish I could do that!” Other people's results inspire and motivate you not to give up on yourself.

  1. Love

The most effective and pleasant motivation. When we want to attract the attention of the opposite sex, we first of all think about the fact that we need to get ourselves in order, our figure. And then - impress him with an elegant outfit that emphasizes your shape. After all, as you know, men love with their eyes.

  1. Small sizes

It is unlikely that you will argue that public opinion regarding beauty standards is shaped by the media. From the covers of magazines and on TV, only thin young ladies look at us. Plus, the Ukrainian clothing market is flooded with clothes from China. And although they are beautiful and inexpensive, they are usually small in size. And there is nothing left to do but, figuratively speaking, to lose weight to suit your outfit - this is also one of the effective ways.

In this case, losing weight under an evening dress by a certain date is ineffective. It is better to buy trousers made of thick material in advance with the waist volume you dream of. Then at the end of each month you can try them on, and your results will increasingly set you up for new victories. The main thing is not to get carried away and not to “reduce” yourself to the impossible.

  1. Fear of not returning to your previous form

The motivation can also be the fear of gaining weight or never regaining its former shape. If a few years ago your weight was 10 kg less, then this may be a reason to take care of yourself and maintain yourself in such a complexion. And here the indicators on the scales should not make you depressed, but on the contrary - make you warlike!

  1. Photos “before” and “after” weight loss

The most difficult time in a diet is the period when the body is just rebuilding in a new way and the scales do not show any results. In this case, an aesthetic standard can act as inspiration. For example, a popular athlete or any other media personality with beautiful shapes. Place her photo as a screensaver on your computer desktop. But if you feel that you are starting to lose faith in yourself, you can cheer up with photos of people who have ALREADY lost weight. For example, on women’s forums and websites you can often find “before” and “after” pictures of weight loss. If the results are impressive, then this is quite motivating!

  1. Pride

And if, nevertheless, in a short time you managed to achieve, albeit not great, but noticeable results, and they were appreciated by those around you, then pride appears. Pride in yourself. Now I want to demonstrate more and more achievements. What is not an incentive to further continue the process of losing weight?

To find the best motivation for losing weight, you need to have an honest conversation with yourself and see the prospects that you cannot “achieve” with excess weight. We are used to hiding behind “convenient” phrases, like: “There must be a lot of good people.” Or calm yourself down with other settings. But speaking frankly, being overweight does not give us the opportunity to find a sexual partner - to be desired and beautiful. Moreover, extra pounds often come with various kinds of diseases, create skin problems and much more. So it’s better to choose a worthy, meaningful motivation once, which will not give you the opportunity to lose weight!

Women's tricks when dieting

Some tips on how to trick your body and make it lose more kilograms.

If the diet starts to get boring or stops giving the desired results, it’s time to change something about it. A few tips will help you cheer up and relieve discomfort