Fasting days on milk tea. What does it mean?

Title: Fasting days on milk tea. What does it mean?

Milkweed - this strange word is very widely used in nutrition. And fasting days on this drink can give stunning results - up to 2 kg per day! In addition, milk tea will help optimize metabolism, cleanse the skin, liver and kidneys. A diet using milk tea can be used by anyone. There are no contraindications, except perhaps individual tolerance to milk, which is very rare.

This drink significantly improves the beneficial properties of tea and milk as such and blocks their negative aspects. Tea can facilitate the absorption of milk by those who suffer from disorders and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and also, thanks to the tannin it contains, make the gastric mucosa less susceptible to fermentation of whole milk. Milk eases the effect of caffeine and other alkaloids that are harmful to the body.

Milk tea is also considered an excellent remedy for the prevention of heart, liver and kidney diseases. It serves as an excellent stimulant for dystrophy, disorders of the central nervous system, and fatigue. This wonderful drink can be considered the cheapest, most accessible and beneficial tonic for humans, which contains essential and essential vitamins and microelements.

To prepare milk tea, you can brew regular tea and mix it with milk in equal proportions. You can also heat the milk, add dry green tea to it and leave for about half an hour.

You can drink milk tea either hot or cold. On fasting days, it is recommended to drink up to 2 liters of drink per day in small portions. It is also useful to combine milk tea with still water. The tandem of these drinks will provide diuretic and choleretic effects, which will help you effectively lose weight.