Express diet

An express diet is ideal when you urgently need to lose a couple of kilograms for an upcoming event. An express diet for weight loss can be based on completely different nutritional principles.

Below are several options from which you can choose the most suitable one. Such weight loss systems are all short-term, since if these diets are followed for a long time, a metabolic disorder occurs and the weight loss process stops.

Express diet 1

The egg-honey diet lasts 2 days and will provide you with a loss of 1.5 kilograms.

Menu 1 day:

  1. Breakfast - a cup of honey with an egg (2 raw yolks and 1 tsp honey)
  2. Lunch - breakfast menu + cheese (90 gr.)
  3. Dinner - a cup of honey with an egg, a little broth (preferably low-fat), 1 slice of bread, 2 apples or oranges

Menu 2 days:

  1. Breakfast - a cup of honey with an egg + a piece of wholemeal bread
  2. Lunch - a cup of honey with an egg, boiled fish (150 gr.), spinach or cabbage (3 tablespoons)
  3. Dinner - a cup of honey with an egg, cheese (90 gr.) + a piece of wholemeal bread

Express diet 2

This express diet is designed for 3 days, during which you can lose 2 kilograms. The essence of the diet is that you can consume up to 1300 calories per day and no more. You need to drink plenty of fluids every day, and include more vegetables and less bread in your diet.

Sample menu:

  1. Breakfast - apple, banana, piece of bread with bran or 1 egg, natural yogurt (200 gr.)
  2. Lunch - boiled potatoes (200 gr.), cottage cheese (100 gr.) or chicken meat (50 gr.)
  3. Dinner - pasta (100 gr., durum flour), tomato, shrimp (100 gr.) or chicken (50 gr.) with green salad

Express diet 3

There is another diet designed for 3 days - the avocado diet, which will allow you to lose 1.5 kilograms.


  1. Breakfast - half an avocado with low-fat cottage cheese inside
  2. Lunch - half an avocado with 1 boiled egg, cucumber and green onion
  3. Dinner - steak (90 gr.) and half an avocado with cottage cheese

Express diet 4

This express diet is designed for 4 days, during which you can lose 4 kilograms.


  1. Breakfast - 1 egg, coffee or tea without sugar
  2. Second breakfast - low-fat cottage cheese, kefir or a glass of vegetable juice
  3. Lunch - chicken, fish or meat (150 gr.), vegetable salad with lemon juice, 1 fruit or berries (150 gr.)
  4. Dinner - herbal infusion

Express diet 5

There are several options for an express diet for 5 days:

Express diet - lemon and meat (minus 2.5 kilograms):
All day you need to eat boiled meat (240 g), and drinks - 6 glasses of hot water with added lemon juice, tea and coffee

Express diet - fruits (minus 2.5 kilograms):
You can eat 1 orange or half a grapefruit for breakfast, and for lunch and dinner - a salad of grapefruit, apple, orange, melon and lemon

Express diet - bananas and milk (minus 2.5 kilograms)
You are allowed to eat 6 bananas and 3 glasses of low-fat milk per day. Products are distributed for all meals.

In addition to the above options, there is also the Angel Express Diet.