How to lose 10 kilograms in 10 days

Sometimes circumstances develop in such a way that in a short period of time it is necessary to lose a fairly large number of kilograms. The editors of figured out which diet will save you from 10 kilograms of excess weight in just 10 days.

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I would like to say right away that it is better to lose weight gradually: a few kilograms per month, using the principles of proper nutrition and playing sports. However, what to do when you need to look good “yesterday” and there is simply no time to wait for the result for several months? It turns out that there is a way out - a diet called Minus 10 kilograms in 10 days.


To quickly and effectively lose 10 kilograms in just 10 days, you need to adhere to the principles of protein nutrition. So, such a diet actually completely excludes the consumption of carbohydrates (cereals, bread, sweets, fruits). In fact, this is a rather complex diet and not everyone can handle it.

For successful results from a diet, you need to have great willpower to lose weight. I would like to warn you right away that the absence of carbohydrates in the diet will spoil your mood (they are responsible for a good mood). Therefore, it is worth warning your family that you can be quick-tempered and touchy, and this is not your bad character, but the lack of carbohydrates in your diet.

Also, we note that the Minus 10 diet is low-calorie and this is its main difference from the protein diet. Also, its main feature is that you can only eat one product per day.

As for products, the diet may include: low-fat cottage cheese (0.5 kg per day), kefir (1 liter per day), fish (1 fish per day), chicken fillet (1 fillet per day), beef (0.5 kg per day), eggs (5 per day). Salt cannot be used. In fact, you can regulate what and when to eat yourself. The only thing is that the fifth day of the diet should be potato (4 baked potatoes per day), the seventh should be fruit (0.5 kg of fruit), and the ninth should be vegetable (2 vegetable salads per day). This is very important for kidney function, so do not neglect this rule.

If you find it difficult during the diet, you can treat yourself from time to time with fruit compotes, without sugar. This will slightly improve your mood and brighten up your rather meager diet. A small piece of dark chocolate is also allowed once every three days.

Experts advise surrounding yourself with the maximum amount of positive emotions while following a diet: meeting with friends, walks in the park, going to the movies, and so on. It is important to spend as little time at home as possible so as not to be alone with the refrigerator. It will also be great if your household members support you in your struggle for a good figure, and will not eat various goodies at home. In addition, it is important not to prepare anything other than food for yourself these days. This will help protect against the temptation to return to your normal diet.

Drinks you can drink are water and herbal teas. Coffee and alcohol are prohibited during the diet. Also, it is worth noting that with such a diet it is absolutely forbidden to engage in physical activity. The only exception is yoga.