8 ways to avoid overeating at night

Pull yourself together, you can do it!” - you say to yourself, trying to squeeze your will into a fist and not eat after six in the evening. But attempts to lose weight in this way most often lead to the opposite result. What is the error and how to fix it? The desire to eat heavily in the evening is not an indicator of your weakness, but a normal physiological process. It is before going to bed that the body makes strategic reserves of energy in case of possible hunger, and your instinct just screams: go and eat! That’s why there are so many people around us who don’t like to have breakfast, but have dinner for three. Refusing dinner in this situation is fraught with breakdowns: we get nervous, angry, try to eat in advance - while we still can... Fighting instincts is difficult and practically useless - it is better to try to tame them. And it's not as difficult as it might seem. There are simple techniques that allow you to reach a compromise between “I want to eat” and “I want to lose weight.”

  1. Yes, but not greasy
    It's not when you eat, it's what you eat that matters. The fat that we carry on ourselves is mainly formed from the fat that we once ate. Proteins and complex carbohydrates do not contribute to weight gain. Therefore, the more lean meat, cottage cheese, cereals and pasta in your menu, the better for your waistline.

  2. Eat...after eating
    A well-known paradox: the fattier and more plentiful the dinner, the more you want to eat after a couple of hours. We are changing tactics - we will eat little by little, but in several meals.

  3. Avoid monotony
    The more boring the dinner, the more likely it is that after a couple of spoons you will switch your attention to something else - a conversation, a movie on TV - and before you notice, you will eat more than you intended.

  4. Don't confuse food with treats
    We often overeat not because we are hungry, but only because we want to enjoy ourselves.

  5. Walk before bed
    Evening raids on the refrigerator are often associated with the desire to calm down - food comforts. Let's try using an evening walk as a household antidepressant.

  6. Please the body, not the stomach
    A relaxing bath with essential oils, a shower, a massage can soothe and reduce the need for food.

  7. If you want to eat, go to bed
    Adequate sleep increases vitality, improves mood and, accordingly, facilitates weight control.

  8. Don't stop yourself from eating at night
    What happens when you vow to stop eating late dinners? You try your best to hold on. You constantly think about it. You're losing your temper. And so on in a circle. It is better to take the path of reasonable compromises.