Top 25 useful tips from nutritionists

Today, more and more people are thinking about their health and appearance. If you want to get your figure in order and maintain the desired weight for a long time, follow the advice of professionals - nutritionists and fitness trainers. We have collected for you the top 25 useful tips that will help you achieve the desired result.

  1. Drink at least 2 liters of still water per day. Water helps flush toxins from the body, speeds up metabolism and improves skin.

  2. No alcohol, with the exception of only one glass of dry red wine per day. Alcohol negatively affects metabolism and can lead to excess weight gain.

  3. To activate your digestive tract in the morning, drink 1 glass of water on an empty stomach.

  4. Half an hour before meals, drink a glass of water. After eating, you are allowed to drink 40 minutes later.

  5. Eat 5-6 times a day. This diet helps speed up metabolism and reduce hunger.

  6. The last meal should be 3 hours before bedtime. This will help avoid gaining excess weight.

  7. Drink tea and coffee without sugar or additives. Sugar contains a lot of calories and can lead to weight gain.

  8. Eat potatoes no more than twice a week, and only boiled or baked. Potatoes contain a lot of starch, which can negatively affect metabolism.

  9. Avoid grapes and bananas. These fruits contain a lot of sugar and can lead to weight gain.

  10. Once a week, do a fasting day on apples, kefir, water, and so on. This will help cleanse the body and speed up metabolism.

  11. The activity of the cardiovascular system is maximum at 18:00, therefore, starting from this time, you need to start training.

  12. Do exercises in the morning and evening, which promotes rapid metabolism.

  13. From 17:00 to 21:00 is the ideal time for sports, see point 11.

  14. You should never skip breakfast; it should be balanced. Breakfast helps speed up your metabolism and reduce hunger.

  15. For lunch, eat soups, broths, salads, boiled lean meat, vegetables, and fruits. This will help speed up your metabolism and reduce hunger.

  16. An afternoon snack can consist of yogurt, salad, kefir, boiled lean meat, and vegetables. This will help reduce hunger and maintain metabolism.

  17. Dinner - light salad, cottage cheese, yogurt or some stewed vegetables. Dinner should be light so as not to burden the digestive system before bed.

  18. Fruits are best eaten in the first half of the day. This will help speed up your metabolism and reduce hunger.

  19. No fried, smoked, fatty foods or spices. These foods can lead to excess weight gain and negatively affect the digestive system.

  20. Salads can be dressed with yogurt, sour cream or olive oil. This will help reduce the number of calories consumed and improve the taste of the dish.

  21. Throw away all processed foods, fast food, seeds, salted nuts, chips, sweet water, energy drinks. These foods contain many calories and harmful substances that can lead to excess weight gain and disease.

  22. From flour - only coarse and black bread. These products contain fewer calories and more nutrients than white bread and other flour products.

  23. Eat in small portions - no more than 200 g at a time. This will help reduce the number of calories you consume and speed up your metabolism.

  24. Buy a small plate and eat with a teaspoon. This will help you control the amount of food you eat and reduce the number of calories you consume.

  25. Treat yourself to dark chocolate in the morning. Dark chocolate contains less sugar and more nutrients than milk chocolate and other sweets.

By following these 25 tips from nutritionists, you can achieve the desired result and maintain your figure and health in excellent condition for a long time. Also remember to exercise regularly and get enough sleep is also important for staying healthy and fit.