Top 10 wines with the most ridiculous names. PHOTO

In the world of winemaking, there are many brands that try to attract the attention of buyers with unusual names. Some of them come up with such names that surprise even the most inveterate lovers of alcoholic beverages. In this article we present to you the top 10 wines with the most ridiculous names.

  1. "Fat Bastard"

This is a French wine produced in the Languedoc region. The name certainly comes as a surprise, but the manufacturer promises that the wine is truly excellent.

  1. "Bastard" (Bitch)

The name of this wine from Black Dog Cellars translates as “bitch,” which certainly causes some confusion. However, this is a wine that has received many awards and excellent reviews.

  1. "Shit Wine" (Le Vin de Merde)

The name of this French wine translates as “wine of shit,” which, of course, sounds unpleasant. However, the producers claim that this wine is of excellent quality and taste.

  1. "Oops!" (Oops!)

This wine is produced in California and the name speaks for itself. However, the manufacturer claims that this wine is very popular and has many fans.

  1. "Pretentious Toad" (Arrogant Frog)

The name of this French wine produced in the Languedoc region does sound strange. However, the manufacturer promises that this wine has excellent taste and aroma.

  1. "Elephant on a Tightrope"

The name of this wine evokes the image of an elephant balancing on a tightrope. Despite the strange name, this wine is very popular and has many fans.

  1. "Frog's Piss"

This French wine is produced in the Languedoc region. The name certainly causes confusion, but the manufacturer assures that this wine has a unique taste.

  1. "Shelter in the Hollow" (Cleavage Creek)

The name of this American wine translates as “cut in the valley”, which, of course, causes some confusion. However, this wine is of high quality and has many fans.

  1. "Mad Housewife"

The name of this American wine, produced in California, evokes images of a housewife drinking wine. However, this wine has excellent taste and aroma.

  1. "Blasted Church"

The name of this Canadian wine conjures up the image of a church in a state of extreme intoxication. However, this wine is of high quality and has many fans.

In conclusion, we can say that the marketing habits of alcoholic beverage manufacturers sometimes reach the point of absurdity. But despite the ridiculous names, many of these wines are of high quality and unique taste. If you like to experiment, you might want to try one of these wines and see for yourself that the name doesn't always reflect the quality of the drink.