Daily fasting is the best express diet

From time to time, each of us faces the need for express weight loss, cleansing, and rehabilitation after a particularly hectic weekend and holidays. I offer a three-day fasting diet, with which I can easily maintain my ideal weight and regularly cleanse my body of toxins. It is based on the practice of daily fasting and, with the right approach, brings amazing results. And the most important thing is that with the help of this simple technique you can lose up to 3-4 kilograms in 3 days, reduce the size of your stomach and get a healthy glow.

This diet is suitable for pregnant women and even nursing mothers - very important if you want to quickly get rid of the remaining extra pounds. The scheme looks like this: entry day, daily fasting, exit day.

Day 1: entering fasting

Animal protein (meat, poultry, fish, cottage cheese, all kinds of seafood, etc.) and animal fat (sour cream, kefir) are prohibited; it is better to give up all kinds of cereals and legumes - this way your body will more easily adapt to tomorrow’s daily fast and begin to cleanse itself. You do not change your daily routine and have breakfast at your usual time. Start the day with herbal (can be green) tea or freshly squeezed juice.

For herbal tea, oregano, chamomile, thyme, mint, linden or currant leaves, nettle, fireweed are best suited. Of the freshly squeezed juices, the most powerful are carrot, carrot-beet (4:1 or 5:1), carrot-apple (1:1), carrot-pumpkin (1:1), cabbage, cabbage-carrot (for everyone) (1 :1).

It's best to start eating seriously around noon. Before noon, the body is cleansed, it’s worth helping it. Then there is freedom: we eat fruits, dried fruits, vegetables (fresh or lightly stewed), herbs, nuts, seeds, and use vegetable oils. And, of course, you shouldn’t eat too much for the future, keeping in mind that you will be fasting tomorrow - nothing will come of it. Two or three meals a day are enough. You can generally eat only fruits - I especially like sweet ones (bananas are best).

Around seven in the evening we stop eating: we start drinking herbal or green tea, freshly squeezed juices, and clean water again.

Take a warm bath - a warm body is more willing to free itself from dirt and toxins. And prepare three or four liters of clean water for tomorrow - spring water, maybe melt water (if you’re not too lazy) or just boiled.

As a rule, this day goes by easily. Especially in summer. So bon appetit!

Day 2: fasting

Today we only drink and only water. A lot and with pleasure. You need to drink three to four liters of clean water a day. To do this, you will have to drink a glass every 30–40 minutes. But I usually do it differently.

My worst hunger occurs at lunchtime - I’m used to eating a lot at lunchtime. Therefore, in order not to suffer, I drink about a liter within an hour - my stomach is pleasantly filled and is confused for some time. The main thing is not to stretch it, so don’t pour more than half a liter into yourself at a time. If I don’t eat at lunch, then I don’t feel hungry, but I start to feel thirsty. This means that the cleansing process is proceeding normally, and every cell of the body is freed from dirt. It is necessary to compensate for losses with clean water - better than spring water, it has a natural charge.

If there is no deafening feeling of hunger, then most likely you are constantly drawn to simply “grab something.” I call this “psychological hunger.” Relax, don’t go into the kitchen, let your family feed themselves. If it's a day off, sleep and the day will go by faster. If you're at work, even better.

There are two options. You can keep yourself busy with some interesting work to make the day fly by. You can finally deign to do things that are always put off and that you never get around to. Moreover, set yourself a time limit - by what time everything needs to be done. Imagine - free not only