The best vitamins for eyes working at a computer

If your work involves a computer, and you spend almost the entire working day looking at it, then you need to take care of your eyes. And vitamins will help you with this.

In our computer age, symptoms that are very familiar to everyone are redness of the eyes, a feeling of dryness, as if someone had poured sand into the eyes and the eye is twitching. In this case, just leaving the computer for a couple of hours is not enough.

To restore tired eyes, urgent measures must be taken!

  1. Very good are preparations created on the basis of a natural antioxidant - blueberries (Okyuvite lutein forte or Okyuvite Complete).

  2. If your eyes are watery and tired, if you suddenly begin to have difficulty distinguishing fonts, you lack vitamin A. These vitamins are found in animal products (butter, fish oil, eggs, milk, cottage cheese, cream). Found in blueberries, brightly colored vegetables and fruits, rowan berries, carrots, tomatoes, seeds and apricots.

  3. If your eye twitches, you have a vitamin B6 deficiency. You will find this vitamin in millet, buckwheat, pearl barley porridge, cabbage, potatoes, and bananas. This vitamin is also contained in foods such as liver, milk, yeast, fish, and yolk. The daily requirement for vitamin is 0.3-0.6 milligrams.

  4. Riboflavin (vitamin B2) is also very important for the eyes. Its deficiency leads to vision deterioration significantly at night. Quite a large amount of vitamins B2 is found in cheese, milk, eggs, yeast, cottage cheese, liver, meat and nuts. Its daily norm is 2 milligrams.

  5. Vitamin - B12. Contained only in products of animal origin (meat, cottage cheese, milk, egg yolk, livestock liver, cheese). This is its main significant difference from other vitamins. Cyanocobalamin returns the eyes to their former shine, “destroying” dullness and tearfulness in them.

  6. Vitamin C is essential when your eyes get tired very quickly. Doctors believe that thanks to this vitamin, the development of cataracts slows down. Vitamin C is found in kiwi, citrus fruits, cabbage, carrots, leafy vegetables, tomatoes, rowan berries, apples, currants (black), bell peppers, fresh berries, vegetables and fruits such as rose hips , red pepper, Brussels sprouts, strawberries. A lack of vitamin C can lead to decreased tone of the eye muscles.

  7. Vitamin D will relieve myopia. This vitamin lives in cabbage, mushrooms, and black bread. It is found in seafood, in raw egg yolk, in the liver of fish (cod, halibut, mackerel, mackerel and herring.

On a note. We do not recommend boiling vegetables that contain vitamins C and B2 for a long time, since vitamin C tends to be destroyed. It also loses its properties when it comes into contact with iron or copper.

If constant eye strain causes your eyes to become tired and vision decreases, preparations containing vitamins A and B2 (Revit, Complivit, Computer-Iz) are suitable.

When working at a computer, do not forget about eye protection. By consuming the necessary vitamins, you will feel better, be able to work better and be less tired.