Kim Protasov's diet: a weight loss method for vegetable lovers

Kim Protasov's diet is an excellent way to lose weight for those who love vegetables and feel comfortable without meat. What is the essence of the diet - read in our material.

Diet "Six Petals"

“Never make a cult out of food and remember, a skinny cow is not a gazelle” - this is exactly what Kim Protasov wrote about his diet. Its essence lies in eating raw vegetables, as well as cottage cheese and yoghurts with no more than 5% fat content. In addition, during the day you can eat one boiled egg and three green apples. This is where the variety of diet ends.

The Protasov diet lasts for five weeks, during which you can lose up to 10 kilograms of excess weight. It is noteworthy that you can eat as many vegetables as you want. The same goes for cottage cheese and yogurt. There is no diet as part of the diet: you can eat whenever you want. Drinks include unsweetened tea, coffee and 2 liters of water. After two weeks of the diet, you can add a piece of baked lean meat or fish to your diet.

As the girls who have already tried this diet note, after two weeks the body gets used to eating according to the proposed scheme, and it absolutely does not want steak or baked salmon, as often happens in the first week. It is not difficult to adhere to the Protasov diet, since it does not limit the amount of food you eat, which means that the feeling of hunger will not accompany you throughout the weight loss process.

Another advantage of “Shuffling” is that after five weeks, it will be very difficult for the body to eat heavy and fatty foods. This means that you will have every chance of sticking to a healthy diet.

Protasov’s diet, in addition to losing weight, also restores metabolism. Therefore, after its completion, the weight does not return back.

Many people ask why, against the background of promoting protein nutrition and its effectiveness for weight loss, Protasov’s diet completely excludes meat from the diet for 2 weeks. The answer is simple - because of fats. So, even the leanest types of meat (chicken fillet, for example) still contain fat. And in the process of losing weight, according to Kim Protasov, they are superfluous. Of course, completely eliminating fats from the diet is absurd, so the diet includes dairy products, which provide the body with both fats and proteins.

It is also very important not to ignore the “three green apples rule”. Thanks to them, the body receives the norm of necessary carbohydrates. However, it is better to eat apples in addition to the main food in the first half of the day, since during independent swimming they greatly raise the blood sugar level, and this is not good for weight loss.

When the five weeks of the diet come to an end, do not rush to return to your usual diet. Yes, and don’t forget that during this time your body will get used to light food, and a cake for a snack can create problems in the stomach. At first, you need to replace some of the dairy products with low-fat ones and add a tablespoon of vegetable oil to your daily diet (it’s ideal to make salads at this stage). Further, apples can be replaced with other fruits from time to time. The main thing is that they are not very sweet (bananas and grapes are prohibited). Breakfast should be carbohydrate-rich, so instead of vegetables, add oatmeal to your diet.

If you add a little bread to the above, and sometimes allow yourself sweets (only in moderation), then you will be able to build your own diet that will maintain your weight for many years.

If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the Protasov diet is not for you. The fact is that during the diet it is necessary to consume vegetables without starch in their composition. And in case of gastrointestinal diseases, the body will not like such a diet and will cause an exacerbation of the disease.