How to prepare easy diet snacks?

During the New Year holidays, the main question for everyone remains how to prepare light dietary snacks that will not take much time, but will undoubtedly delight you and your loved ones.

There is a solution and it is extremely obvious. Use rice cakes as a healthy alternative to bread. With this product, any snack will look new, original, and extremely tasty.

We suggest using rice cakes to prepare original New Year's snacks. They are made from unpolished rice using the gentle “grain explosion” technology. Thanks to the short processing time of rice, the bread retains the beneficial fiber of whole grains, vitamins and minerals. Light and crispy breads TM "Zhmenka" are an excellent basis for snacks and sandwiches. It's beautiful, delicious and healthy!

So, here are recipes for delicious and original snacks, where bread is a healthy alternative to bread:

Curd feather

6 rice cakes TM “Zhmenka”, 100 ml sour cream, 200 g cottage cheese, 2 tomatoes, salt, pepper, parsley.

Beat cottage cheese with sour cream into a homogeneous mass. Add salt and pepper to it. Carefully spoon the curd mixture onto the bread. Place a slice of tomatoes and parsley on top of the cottage cheese layer.

Subtle exotica

14 rice cakes TM “Zhmenka”, 14 king prawns, 300 g small shrimp, 1 can of red caviar, 100 ml sour cream, 2 avocados, greens.

Boil shrimp, mix small ones with mayonnaise. Peel the avocado, cut into half rings and place on bread. They have shrimp with sour cream, king prawn and caviar. Decorate with greens.

Spicy rose

10 rice cakes TM “Zhmenka”, 200 g cottage cheese, 50 ml heavy cream, 150 g salted salmon, dill, salt

Beat cottage cheese with cream and salt. Finely chop the dill and stir into the curd mass. Using a pastry syringe, place it on the bread. Place a strip of salmon on top, folded into a rose shape. Garnish with a sprig of dill.

The composition of rice breads TM “Zhmenka” includes:

  1. Fiber, which delays the absorption of fats and carbohydrates; removes waste and toxins from the body; provides quick saturation without extra calories; Helps improve metabolism and maintain weight.

  2. B vitamins (B1, B9, PP) enhance the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats; ensure healthy skin, nails and hair.

  3. Micro- and macroelements: magnesium supports a healthy cardiovascular system; zinc ensures acid-base balance in the body; phosphorus gives the body energy and strength; iron regulates the functioning of the immune system.

Using bread rolls will minimize time spent in the kitchen and allow you to make unusual diet snacks that will please everyone!

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