Beauty secrets of Eva Mendes

Famous actress Eva Mendes is one of the most attractive and desirable women on the Planet. Many ladies want to know the secrets of her beauty, and we will be happy to tell you about them.

It should be noted that Eva plays sports and eats according to the “3-2-1” method, which was developed for the celebrity by fitness instructor Ramona Braganza.

According to 3-2-1, sports training is divided into several parts: cardio, machine work and exercises for three different parts of the body with deep muscle development. This technique allows you to put your body in order in the shortest possible time.

In the nutrition system, “3-2-1” means three full meals, two snacks and drinking at least one liter of water. Ramona Braganza recommends that everyone eat fresh fruits and vegetables, add flax seeds and bran to their food.

It would be worth noting that Eva Mendes loves fish, rice and bread. The beauty gave up meat a long time ago, but sweets sometimes have a place in the diet of the famous actress.