Diet Minus sixty

Diet "Minus sixty": nutrition system for permanent weight loss

The “Minus Sixty” diet is a nutrition system that allows you to lose weight and not gain excess weight in the future. It was developed by Ekaterina Mirimanova, who herself was able to get rid of 60 kg of excess weight using this diet. The main condition of this diet is consistency. You need to follow this nutrition system constantly.

However, there is no need to be afraid that you will have to go on a strict diet or give up certain foods. The “Minus Sixty” diet involves rational nutrition, where attention is paid not only to the composition of food, but also to the psychological state of the person who wants to lose weight.

The basic rules of the “Minus Sixty” diet are not complicated. Here are a few of them:

  1. Start losing weight right now. No need to wait for Monday, New Year, etc.

  2. Gradually give up junk food, giving preference to healthy foods.

  3. Until 12 noon there are practically no dietary restrictions. Starting from lunch, some restrictions are introduced that must be followed.

The nutritional principles of the “Minus Sixty” diet are also not too strict. Here are some of them:

  1. Breakfast is required. If you get up very early, you can make two breakfasts - one light and the other full.

  2. Coffee, tea and alcohol can be consumed in moderation. It is important to gradually reduce the amount of sugar in drinks. Of the alcoholic beverages, only dry red wine is allowed.

  3. Sweets can only be eaten for breakfast. Milk chocolate should be replaced with dark chocolate.

  4. White bread can only be eaten for breakfast. For lunch, one piece of rye bread is allowed if there are no meat, fish or poultry dishes.

  5. Potatoes and pasta can be eaten for lunch, but only in combination with vegetables and a small amount of cheese.

  6. There is no need to eat heavy food in the evening. Have dinner as early as possible, but no earlier than 5 pm. If you go to bed late, have dinner no later than 8 pm.

  7. It is important to drink enough water, but not to overdo it. Salt should also be consumed in moderation.

  8. Physical activity is required. It is best to exercise at least 3 times a week.

An approximate menu for the “Minus Sixty” diet may look like this:


  1. 2 egg omelet baked with vegetables (e.g. peppers, onions, tomatoes)
  2. Cup of coffee/tea without sugar

Light breakfast (if you get up very early):

  1. A small piece of low-fat cottage cheese
  2. A cup of green tea without sugar


  1. Greek salad with olives, feta cheese and vegetables (eg cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers)
  2. Piece of rye bread
  3. Fruit


  1. Grilled chicken fillet with vegetables (eg broccoli, carrots, cauliflower)
  2. A cup of green tea without sugar


  1. Apple
  2. Unsweetened nuts (eg, almonds, pine nuts, walnuts)

It is important to remember that the Minus Sixty Diet is not universal and may not be suitable for everyone. Before starting any diet, you should consult your doctor or nutritionist.