How I gave up snacking for a week: an editorial experiment

The editors of took the risk of changing their diet for a week. I decided to give up snacking for 7 days.

Women spend 17 years of their lives on diets

According to the rules of our experiment, I had to give up any snacks for a week. That is, my meetings with food had to happen exactly three times a day, and other unforeseen meetings with chocolate, cookies, dairy products and even fruit remained prohibited. True, a few days later my colleagues and I began to discuss whether an afternoon snack could be considered part of the mandatory daily diet. And after some debate, they came to the conclusion that it cannot be called a snack, so it will not be considered cheating. But for more drama in my devoured life, I decided to give it up. Let me clarify that before the experiment, every day during working hours I was distracted by a snack, but I tried to keep it low in calories. Although we couldn’t do without cookies and sweets either. In a word, she paid more attention to him than to dinner.

I started my part of the experiment in the middle of the week. Out of sheer enthusiasm and interest in the opportunity to train my sense of hunger, I made it through the first day with dignity. On the second day, I began to appreciate lunch, waiting for it with great trepidation, not in my heart, but in my stomach. On the third day, I was so hungry without snacks that I went too far with dinner, after which I lived the rest of the evening with a feeling of contempt for myself and the extra calories.

Then the weekend came, and I made an amazing discovery for myself - on Saturday and Sunday I did not have the need to constantly eat something. I spent them quite actively and realized that when you are distracted by life, you stop focusing on hunger. Of course, I also experienced it, but the not very dense threshing was enough for me.