The most expensive and cheapest diets

Here is a draft article with the title "The Most Expensive and Cheapest Diets":

It would seem that going on a diet is a complete benefit. But it is not always the case. Some diets can seriously ruin you.

The most expensive diets

Melanie Griffith's "Sea Diet" includes expensive seafood - shrimp, oysters, crabs, and shellfish. In a couple of months you can lose up to 20 kg, but the expenses will be noticeable.

Mobile diets involve delivery of ready-made dietary meals to your home or work. This is convenient, but the cost of such food can reach 800 rubles per day. The course lasts from 2 weeks to 3 months.

Diagnostics to select a personal diet also requires considerable funds - analyzes and tests will cost a pretty penny.

Here are some economical options:

Drinking a lot of water is simple and cheap, but effective for weight loss.

The diet of movie stars is a simple menu with a minimum of products.

Kefir diet - kefir and a limited set of products.

Express diets for 5-7 days - milk-banana, rice and others. They allow you to quickly lose weight without spending much money.

Thus, you can lose weight both on expensive fashionable diets and on simple and cheap ones. The main thing is to choose the option that suits you.