How to lose weight without harming your skin

Losing weight without damaging your skin is not an easy task. Many women striving for an ideal body are faced with the problem of sagging skin. How to avoid this disease and lose extra pounds without harming the skin? In this article, we will look at several recommendations that will help maintain skin elasticity while losing weight.

Lose weight gradually

When it comes to losing weight, slow and steady is the key to success. Sudden changes in weight can lead to sagging skin, so don't try to lose all those extra pounds within a few days. Nutritionists recommend weight loss of 0.5-1 kg per week. This will allow the skin to gradually adapt to the changes and avoid sagging.

Avoid strict diets

Often the desire to lose weight quickly and as effectively as possible leads to strict diets and fasting. However, this approach is not only harmful to health, but can also lead to sagging skin. If you want to lose weight, you need to adhere to a healthy and balanced diet that will provide the body with everything it needs.

Eat protein foods

Proteins are the main building blocks of our body, including the skin. When losing weight, it is necessary to consume enough protein so that the skin does not lose its elasticity. Include lean meat, poultry, fish, dairy products and other protein foods in your diet.

Don't overuse low-fat diets

Many people, trying to lose weight, abuse low-fat foods and diets. However, a small amount of fat (30 g daily) is necessary for the skin to maintain its elasticity. Just give preference to healthy unsaturated fats by adding vegetable oil, fatty fish, and nuts to your menu.


When losing weight, you need to pay attention not only to nutrition, but also to physical activity. Exercise helps keep your muscles toned and your skin elastic. In addition, they speed up metabolism and promote more effective weight loss.

Drink enough water

Water is not only a vital product, but also an essential element for maintaining skin elasticity. While losing weight, you need to drink enough water to maintain the skin's moisture balance and avoid dehydration. It is recommended to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day.

Add special water procedures to your daily routine

In order to maintain skin elasticity while losing weight, it is necessary to pay attention to special water procedures. It is recommended to take a cold or contrast shower 1-2 times a day, which stimulates blood circulation and strengthens the skin. You can also take a hot bath with sea salt 1-2 times a week. This helps remove toxins from the skin and improves skin tone. Remember also about peelings, which help exfoliate old dead cells and stimulate the growth of new epidermis, younger and more elastic. Be sure to moisturize your skin after treatments.

Take special vitamin complexes

To maintain skin elasticity while losing weight, it is recommended to take special vitamin complexes. The level of collagen, which is responsible for skin elasticity, will be increased by vitamins C, A, E, selenium, and magnesium. In addition, these vitamins strengthen the immune system, improve metabolism and promote accelerated weight loss.


Losing weight without harming your skin is possible if you follow a few simple recommendations. It is important to remember that slow and steady is the key to success. Don't forget about a healthy and balanced diet, physical activity, skin care and taking special vitamin complexes. Take care of your health and beauty!