What to eat at night when losing weight? Top 6 ideas

If you are losing weight and having difficulty giving up dinner, you can pay attention to foods that you can snack before bed without worrying about extra pounds. In this article we will talk about the top 6 foods that you can eat at night so as not to disrupt your diet and not interrupt the weight loss process.

  1. Kefir with berries

Drinking a glass of kefir, fermented baked milk or yoghurt before bed is one of the most recommended ways to satisfy hunger. Pay attention to low-fat or low-fat dairy products. To make kefir tastier and healthier, add various berries to it, such as blueberries, raspberries or strawberries. Firstly, it will give the drink an interesting taste, and secondly, the berries will help remove toxins from the body.

  1. Pistachios

Nuts are one of the most nutritious and satisfying foods that can replace a full lunch. Pistachios are the least calorie nut, so 30 grams at night will not harm your figure. In addition, scientists say that nuts promote restful and sound sleep and relaxation.

  1. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is one of the richest sources of the sleep hormone melatonin. Therefore, a bowl of oatmeal for dinner will not only relieve hunger, but will also help you sleep better. You can flavor your oatmeal with honey, berries, or various syrups.

  1. Bananas

Bananas are another food that promotes sound sleep and relaxes tense muscles. 1-2 bananas before bed will ensure a restful night and calm your rumbling stomach. If you want to improve the effect, try blending a banana with 50 grams of cognac and a pinch of cinnamon.

  1. Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is an excellent solution for a late dinner. It is rich in protein and contains almost no carbohydrates, which will not affect your figure. The optimal portion for the night is 100-130 grams. Drizzle the cottage cheese with honey, syrups or add various berries to add flavor.

  1. Baked apple

An apple baked in the oven is easily digestible and helps normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas. In addition, this dish perfectly satisfies hunger and is low in calories.

In conclusion, if you want to lose weight and are having trouble skipping dinner, you now have six healthy, healthy ideas for your pre-bed snack. Remember that proper nutrition is not only about avoiding unhealthy and high-calorie foods, but also about choosing healthy and healthy foods. Use our recommendations and you will definitely be able to achieve the desired results in losing weight.