Eureka: is it possible to lose weight without dieting?

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“I want to lose weight,” you can hear the languid sighs of young ladies while talking with their friends over a cup of coffee and a plate of cake (well, where would we be without this?). Do you need to limit yourself in culinary preferences, or can you do without these sacrifices? It turns out that it is possible. The recommendations given in this article are intended for people with normal metabolism. If there is a metabolic shift towards a predisposition to obesity, it is necessary to correct the metabolism. One of the most effective means of such correction is acupuncture programming.

Strictly speaking, it is impossible to lose weight without taking into account the amount and nature of food you eat. Especially if unhealthy food stereotypes have developed, such as overeating, eating easily digestible high-calorie foods, etc. Therefore, the recommendations of this article are addressed to those who have undergone AP treatment, or to those who are ready to slightly change their eating habits.

In order for the body to begin to consume excess fat, energy expenditure must exceed energy intake from food. This is the only way to lose weight. If the energy intake from food is sufficient to cover energy expenditure, you will not lose weight, no matter how predisposed you are to losing weight!

How to lose weight by ensuring that your energy expenditure exceeds your energy intake?

There are two ways:

  1. increase energy expenditure without changing the amount of energy intake from food;
  2. reduce energy intake from food if you do not change the amount of energy expenditure.

How can you lose weight by increasing energy expenditure? It is clear that of all the circumstances on which the amount of energy expenditure depends, only two can be changed arbitrarily: the amount of physical activity, mobility, and the intensity of sexual life. The latter possibility is especially relevant for people of childbearing age who are able to lead an active sex life. Increasing the volume of physical activity is available to everyone, unless there are corresponding medical contraindications.

How to lose weight by reducing your energy intake from food? This can also be done in two ways:

  1. you can simply reduce your food intake (the amount of food you eat);
  2. you can reduce the energy value of the diet.

It is even easier to ensure the necessary superiority of energy expenditure over energy intake if you act in two directions at once: slightly increase the amount of energy expenditure through movement, physical activity, and a more active sex life; and reduce the calorie content of the daily diet by limiting the proportion of high-calorie foods in it.

Rules for eating

How to eat properly? We rarely think about this question. Meanwhile, this is one of the most important aspects of proper, healthy nutrition. It is important not only to eat high-quality, healthy food, but also to do it according to all the rules.

  1. Do not eat immediately after serious physical activity: sports, heavy physical work, hypothermia or overheating of the body, as well as after violent emotions. Take at least a half hour break.

  2. Every meal should start with raw vegetables or fruits. Eat them whole or in salads. Vegetables and fruits stimulate the functioning of the digestive glands, gastrointestinal motility, and normalize microflora.

  3. Raw vegetables and fruits should not be consumed along with thermally processed food - in this case, they contribute to the processes of rotting and fermentation.

  4. Chew your food thoroughly. When chewing, mechanical grinding of food and partial breakdown of carbohydrates and proteins occurs under the action of salivary enzymes.

  5. Eat slowly, take breaks between dishes for 5-10 minutes. Breakfast and dinner - at least 30 minutes, lunch - at least 40.

  6. Do not drink immediately before, during or immediately after meals. The exception is drinking dry food in small sips. You should drink 30 minutes before meals and an hour after.

  7. Do not eat very hot or cold foods. Don't combine