Colored diet

Colored diet: benefits and features

Pigments, vitamins and minerals that give vegetables and fruits their bright colors not only make them attractive to the eye, but also have a healing effect on our body. The color diet, based on the mono-diet principle, allows you to distribute foods by day of the week depending on their color, which allows you to get maximum health benefits.

Monday - white

On the first day of the week, it is recommended to eat white foods: boiled potatoes, bananas, rice, milk, mozzarella cheese, spaghetti, coconut pulp, boiled egg whites, chestnuts, cauliflower. Foods of this color contain a lot of carbohydrates, so you should be careful not to get extra calories. White color has a cooling effect and transmits energy.

Tuesday - red

On this day, there should be red foods on the table: red beans, tomatoes, cherries, red currants, basturma, dry red wine, red sweet peppers, cayenne pepper. The red color indicates the presence of flavonoids, which are stronger antioxidants than vitamin C. The flavonoids in red wine protect the heart. Anthocyandins, the most powerful flavonoids, give color to red grapes, blueberries, blackberries and black currants. Red color improves blood circulation, increases muscle tone and speeds up metabolism.

Wednesday - green

On this day, a colored diet involves the use of green foods: leafy vegetables, green herbs, kiwi, green tea, rhubarb, cucumbers, seaweed. Brussels sprouts and broccoli contain a lot of chlorophyll and magnesium, which are essential for strengthening nerves, muscles and maintaining hormonal balance. Green color is calming and relaxing, but you should not overuse it, as it does not promote weight loss.

Thursday - orange

On this day you should eat orange foods: carrots, papaya, salmon, mango, sea buckthorn, pumpkin. Watermelon, carrots, mangoes, apricots, peaches, papayas and tomatoes contain carotenoids such as beta-carotene and lycopene, both of which have strong anti-cancer properties and prevent premature aging. Orange color helps strengthen the immune system and maintains healthy skin.

Friday - yellow

On this day, there should be yellow foods on the table: grapefruit, apples, lemons, corn, bananas, peaches, pineapples, beets. Yellow color indicates the presence of carotenoids, vitamin C and flavonoids, which help strengthen the immune system and protect the body from various diseases. The color yellow also helps improve digestion and metabolism.

Saturday – blue and purple

On this day you should eat blue and purple foods: eggplants, blueberries, currants, grapes, cherries, turnips, broccoli. Blue and purple colors indicate the presence of anthocyanins, which have antioxidant properties and promote cardiovascular health. They also help improve memory and concentration.

Sunday – colorful foods

On the last day of the week, you should eat colorful foods to reap maximum health benefits. The table should have vegetables and fruits of different colors: tomatoes, red peppers, corn, green cucumbers, carrots, eggplants, apples, grapes, currants, blueberries, turnips, broccoli, etc. Colorful foods contain more nutrients, so they help strengthen your immune system and maintain health.

A colorful diet can be beneficial for the body, but it should be remembered that it is not a panacea and cannot replace good nutrition. Before starting such a diet, you should consult your doctor.