How to spend fasting days

Fasting days are one of the ways to maintain health and a beautiful figure. It is especially important to carry out fasting days after overeating, holidays, or during periodic weight gain. However, in order for a fasting day to bring only benefits, it is necessary to approach this issue consistently and responsibly.

Carry out fasting days once a week

The most important rule is not to abuse fasting days. It is ideal to do them once a week, especially after overeating or holidays. It is not recommended to spend fasting days more often, as this can negatively affect your health.

Eat about 1000 calories a day

During a fasting day, you should not go hungry, as this can slow down your metabolism and negatively affect your health. Eat around 1000 calories a day to maintain all the necessary body functions and lose excess weight.

Select fasting day option

The most popular option for a fasting day is kefir, apples or cucumbers. You can choose any of the products and consume it throughout the day. If you choose kefir, choose a fat content of no more than 1%. As for apples, they can increase your appetite, especially unsweetened varieties. Recently, options for vegetable and fruit smoothies as a diet on fasting days have become increasingly popular. They help the body rest and get rid of accumulated toxins.

In addition, you can eat low-fat cottage cheese, vegetable soups, buckwheat without oil and salt. However, nutritionists do not recommend eating chicken breast, eggs, seafood and fish during a fasting day, since these products are absorbed by the body much longer than vegetables, fruits and dairy products.

Spend fasting days only if you feel well

If you don't feel well, you shouldn't do a fasting day. On such a day, it is important to increase sleep time to 10 hours and cancel any physical activity. It is ideal to spend a fasting day on a weekend. Strict contraindications to fasting days are pregnancy, breastfeeding and exacerbation of any diseases.

Spend fasting days only with a positive attitude

Remember that the effectiveness and benefits of a fasting day depend on your psychological state. Therefore, it is not recommended to carry out a fasting day during depression or bad mood. It is best to spend a fasting day on a day when the sun is shining outside the window, you have plans for the whole day, and there are close people around you.

In conclusion, taking fasting days is a beneficial practice for losing weight and maintaining health. However, for it to bring only benefits, it is necessary to approach this issue responsibly and consistently. Remember that a fasting day should be carried out only when you feel well and have a positive attitude, and also do not abuse it, spending it no more than once a week. By choosing the right diet for a fasting day, you will help your body rest and cleanse itself of toxins, as well as lose excess weight and maintain health.