People get fat not only from buns and TV series...

People get fat not only from buns and TV series...

So, as you probably know, the main reasons for excess weight are excess food consumption and insufficient physical activity. Although obesity can develop from other, internal causes. For example, due to dysfunction of the hypothalamus - a small but very important part of the brain, decreased secretion of the thyroid and pancreas, and adrenal glands.

Studies of the nutritional patterns of overweight people showed that they consumed 1.5 - 2 times more protein, fat and carbohydrates than normal. The diet of obese people is usually characterized by increased consumption of baked goods, sugar, potatoes, etc. It has been established that the more overweight a person is, the greater his preference for sweet and fatty foods.

Bad habits that lead to obesity include abuse of salty foods, spices, and alcohol. Rare meals also lead to weight gain. This especially applies to people who are prone to obesity. It should be noted that about 40 - 50% of obese people are, to one degree or another, burdened with a hereditary predisposition to obesity.

A study of this issue has shown that if one of the parents is obese, then the number of obese children in such families reaches 40%; if both parents have this pathology, then their children in 80% of cases also suffer from obesity.

Sunday and holiday feasts and banquets, where there is a wide variety of dishes with a predominance of spicy snacks, salty dishes, and flour products, contribute to obesity. In the daily human diet, refined foods began to predominate, the share of products of animal origin, and, first of all, animal fats, confectionery and flour products, increased, with a relatively insufficient consumption of vegetable oils and vegetables.

A sedentary lifestyle plays an important role in obesity. With this lifestyle, even with a balanced diet, energy consumption is lower than the caloric value of the food consumed. Average norms of physiological need provide for a mandatory energy expenditure for physical work of at least 600 kcal. In fact, in sedentary work conditions the costs are often only 200 - 300 kcal.

There is a characteristic difference in the activity of obese and healthy people. As a rule, obese people choose jobs that require less energy. Sedentary work leads to further weight gain, which itself begins to limit mobility. Thus, a person finds himself in a vicious circle: inactivity and laziness contribute to obesity, and obesity contributes to laziness (inactivity).

Consequently, people with increased fatness or quite severe obesity need to be more physically active, because. passivity contributes to the development and maintenance of obesity. Some justify their passivity by citing the fact that physical work increases appetite and therefore does nothing for weight loss. But this is a misconception.

Yes, physical activity increases appetite, but this is a natural physiological mechanism by which the body compensates for your energy costs. If you lead a passive lifestyle, this does not mean that you have a weakened appetite; it remains at least at the same level, which, with low energy expenditure by your body, leads to an increase in your weight.

The human body automatically regulates the amount of energy received from food and its consumption. Appetite is a kind of regulator of this balance. When the saturation centers, which are located in the hypothalamus of the brain, are damaged, this mechanism is disrupted, the amount of food consumed increases, which contributes to the development of obesity.

As you can see, the formation of an obese figure is associated with a dysfunction of the food center and an increase in its excitability. When overeating, the stomach, sending nerve impulses to the subcortical centers of the brain, increases appetite, helping to consolidate the habit of eating heavily.