Beauty salads for healthy skin

Anyone who cares about their appearance and wants to look young should remember the ancient saying: “We are what we eat.” Proper nutrition plays a huge role in maintaining the health of our body. The main idea of ​​healthy eating is that food should be natural. This is what I think about food: if it is grown, it can be eaten, but if not, it is not suitable for consumption. Fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains are provided by the earth. Coca-Cola, chips, and mayonnaise do not grow on it. Take these steps towards beauty immediately! Eat only healthy and nutritious food!

Skin cells are destroyed daily under the influence of stress and natural factors. Antioxidants contained in vegetables and fruits fight this negative effect and slow down skin aging. The most antioxidants are found in colorful vegetables and fruits, such as blueberries, red grapes, broccoli, citrus fruits, spinach, sweet potatoes and cantaloupe, and are higher in fresh produce. Therefore, eat more raw foods.

Sweets should generally be excluded from the diet: the sugars necessary for the body can be obtained from fruits and vegetables. Proponents of the theory of separate nutrition argue: when foods that are low-calorie but incompatible with each other simultaneously enter the stomach, their digestion becomes difficult, and unoxidized fats and carbohydrates are deposited in the form of fat deposits.

The more energy you have to expend during the day, the more vitamins your body will need. Experts believe that a breakfast that includes fruit salad and herbal tea provides the body with essential beauty vitamins and cleanses the esophagus. The healthiest foods are fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, and grains.

To improve your complexion, eliminate pallor and revitalize your skin, it is enough to have a classic “beauty salad” for breakfast every day for a month: pour 5 tablespoons of oatmeal with 5 tablespoons of boiled cold water overnight, and in the morning add 1 teaspoon of honey and chopped nuts (walnuts or hazelnut).

Another version of this salad: 2 tbsp. Soak spoons of Hercules in 4 tbsp. water, mix with 2 grated apples, 1 tbsp. honey, 1 tbsp. cream.

Salad option with semolina: 2 tbsp. Soak semolina in 4 tbsp. cold boiled water. After 5-10 minutes, add 2 grated apples, 2 tbsp. strawberry juice (currant, lemon, orange, grapefruit), 2 tbsp. crushed nuts, 2 tbsp. condensed milk.

Within a month, you will be able to appreciate the rejuvenating effect of such a breakfast, containing an increased amount of beauty vitamins, which your regular food is poor in, and you will notice how much more beautiful and healthy you look.