Losing weight with rice

To lose 3-5 kilos in two weeks, you can go on an oriental diet, which is based on rice. The dietary dish should be consumed on an empty stomach once a day. The rest of the day you can eat as usual.

Take four glasses of unboiled water, put two tablespoons of rice in each and keep in a cool place for 4 days. The water is changed to fresh every day. On the fourth day, rinse one glass of rice, cook, rinse again and eat on an empty stomach. The empty glass is charged with a new portion of grain. The next day it is the turn to eat rice from the second glass. They continue to eat according to the same pattern throughout the diet. Before eating rice, you can drink two glasses of mineral water. But after that, you have to wait two hours and not eat anything. Then forget about the diet and follow your usual lifestyle. If you find the strength to give up fatty, floury and spicy foods for the duration of the diet, then at the same time you will also cleanse your body of toxins.

It is better to use brown rice. Considering that rice removes salts from the body, follow the diet for no more than one week. During this time, it will become clear whether this method of losing weight is suitable for you. If yes, the course can be extended for another week by adding as many dried apricots and raisins to the diet as possible to maintain the potassium-sodium balance in the cells.