Twitter helps you lose weight

According to a study conducted by scientists from the American University of North Carolina, the microblogging service Twitter can become an effective assistant in the fight against excess weight. As part of the study, participants prone to obesity were divided into two groups, each group was given cell phones and put on a proper diet. One group was asked to use a Twitter app and tweet about their weight loss successes.

The study results showed that participants who were on Twitter lost more weight than those who did not use the app. In addition, the number of kilograms lost directly depended on the number of tweets written. Ten messages sent was equivalent to losing half a percent in weight. Scientists also note that the result was also influenced by other social network users who provided support to the experiment participants.

These results may be explained by the fact that using Twitter allows participants to receive additional motivation and support from other people who face similar problems. Additionally, regularly posting their progress can help participants stay interested and motivated to achieve their goals.

Thus, using Twitter as a tool to combat obesity can be effective. Of course, this approach is not universal and does not suit everyone, but for some people it can be an additional incentive to achieve the desired results.