Rules for handling fatty foods

Any woman dreams of having a slim figure, but at the same time she often treats herself to pastries and cakes, sausage and ham. How to stay slim and beautiful without giving up your favorite foods? It turns out that eating fatty foods is not prohibited at all - you just need to learn how to handle them correctly.

For many centuries, fat has served us as an excellent means of survival, which can come in handy in case of food shortage. The fact is that calories in fat are packed with maximum density and in case of hunger can save a person from death.

Today we don’t need to hunt animals or go fishing—it’s enough to go to the nearest supermarket to stock up on food. However, nothing can be done about instincts, and therefore, like thousands of years ago, we subconsciously opt for fatty foods: we buy bacon and chips, donuts and ice cream...

Arriving home, we usually pour oil into a frying pan to fry fish or potatoes, chops or cutlets. There is no doubt that deep-fried foods are very tasty – but are they healthy?

Is it possible to eat fatty foods?

Contrary to popular belief, it is possible! You are allowed to eat as much fatty food as you like, but under one condition: you must physically work: chop wood, build a house, carry water, work in the garden... Only in this case, the fat will not settle as a useless burden on the waist and hips, but will be transformed into energy that you will spend during physical work.

If your lifestyle is not characterized by mobility, if you have a “sedentary” job, the consumed fat will quickly turn into extra pounds and create a real threat of cardiovascular and cancer diseases.

So why not eat fat at all? Removing all fatty foods from the diet is an unforgivable mistake, because it is absolutely necessary for many life functions. A healthy adult can consume no more than 30% fat from all food eaten per day. If you are overweight, prone to diabetes or have heart disease, your fat intake should be reduced to 20-25%.

To make it clearer, let's explain: the average person needs to consume approximately 40-60 grams of fat every day. This means that you can eat one chocolate bar, or 100 g of smoked sausage, or 100 g of peanuts.

Don't think that restricting fatty foods will make you suffer. People who have long given up excessive consumption of fats claim that they quickly got used to it and now feel much better, and fatty foods seem heavy and even unpleasant to them.

How to love low-fat food?

You may not give up fatty foods at all, but simply limit their consumption, leaving your favorite foods in your diet, but in small quantities. If giving up fatty foods is necessary for medical reasons, or you want to lose weight, you will have to ruthlessly get rid of the lion's share of all fats in your kitchen.

As soon as you notice the first results of your stoic refusal of fats, it will become much easier for you to refuse them. In addition, you can make low-fat food tasty.

Here's a simple example. Do you like eggplants? How do you usually cook them? Definitely fry in oil. And at the same time, we are sure that you bring only benefits to your body: after all, the oil is vegetable, which means there can be no harm from it. You are mistaken! Any oil is fat that is absorbed into the eggplant and ends up in your stomach. But if you bake the same eggplant in the oven, only beneficial substances will remain in it. You just need to make a slight effort on yourself and forbid flavoring it with oil or mayonnaise.

Another example. You have boiled or baked potatoes. Excellent healthy food. But a teaspoon of butter added to a serving is already 5 g of fat. By cutting the potatoes into slices and deep-frying them, you will already get 25-30 g of fat. The same applies to vegetable soups: in its pure form - a light dietary dish, flavored with sour cream - fat