Oriental dance diet

Oriental dances can give the body exquisite grace and harmony, get rid of fat accumulation, and are the prevention of a number of diseases (lumbar pain, osteochondrosis, etc.). Regular dancing improves complexion, has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system, normalizes blood pressure, one lesson leads to the burning of about 400 calories.

For quick and effective weight loss, oriental dance classes are combined with a special diet. During the Eastern diet, meals should be split (5 times a day), in a peaceful environment. In between meals (on average they are 2-3 hours), it is recommended to drink only purified water. The diet includes a wide range of dishes with excellent taste, provides the body with energy for dancing, dietary fiber for the normal functioning of the stomach and intestines, and essential nutrients.

Diet menu:

For the first breakfast, you should eat carbohydrate foods or protein foods, which help activate metabolic processes. An excellent choice for the first breakfast would be an omelet and other egg dishes, cottage cheese, cheese, porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, etc.), coffee without sugar, and fruit.

The second breakfast should ensure that metabolism is maintained at a high level and depends on the products of the first breakfast. If the first breakfast consisted of protein dishes, then for the second breakfast you should eat dietary yogurt, but if the first breakfast included some kind of porridge, then cottage cheese with vegetables and an omelet are suitable for the second breakfast.

The lunch meal may consist of fish, lean meats (boiled, steamed or stewed), vegetable dishes, and dietary soups. It is recommended to season vegetable salads with olive or other vegetable oil and sour cream.

For the afternoon snack, small amounts of sweets are allowed - chocolate, Turkish delight or other oriental sweets. Sweets give a boost of energy and a good mood for active dancing.

Dinner should include a small piece of lean meat, a light vegetable salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, and sweet bell peppers. You can drink herbal tea and rosehip drinks. If you feel hungry, you are allowed to eat green apples and low-fat kefir.

The combination of dance sessions with a diet helps to lose extra pounds (up to 6-8 kg over several months, depending on the individual genetic characteristics of the body). Oriental dance classes help create the necessary psychological mood for weight loss and allow you to achieve the desired slimness and beauty.