Work snack – what to eat?

Work snack – what to eat?

When you don’t have enough time at work for a full lunch or there are no cafes or restaurants nearby, you have to find a compromise and have a snack at your place of work. However, it is not always possible to choose healthy and nutritious food. In this article we will look at which products are suitable for snacking in various professions, so as not only to satisfy hunger, but also not to cause harm to the body.

Librarian, translator, seller

For those who work with people and must always look their best, it is very important to monitor their health and emotional state. For snacking, strengthen your nervous system and evoke positive emotions by eating fruits and vegetables. Kiwi is rich in ascorbic acid, which improves mood and eliminates fatigue. Sweet pear is an antidepressant, and bananas increase the production of the pleasure hormone. Red peppers and carrots, rich in beta-carotene, will quickly improve your mood. You can prepare fruit soup with rice at home and take it with you to work.

Office worker, operator, programmer

People who spend most of their working time at the computer should eat low-calorie foods that stimulate eye activity and activate bowel function. Boiled beets are a source of zinc, which improves visual acuity and relieves eye fatigue. Dairy products contain calcium, B vitamins, and lactic acid bacteria, which strengthen the musculoskeletal system, prevent constipation and promote mental balance. White cabbage and cucumber salad contains a lot of fiber, which improves digestion and normalizes intestinal function. You can bring a bowl of stuffed beets to work, which will fill you up and give you energy to continue the working day.

Security guard, evening school teacher

People who work at night need to stay awake and maintain their energy levels. Grapes contain sugar, which is a wonderful tonic and provides a flow of energy to organs and tissues. Dark chocolate is also an excellent remedy for fatigue. Instant cereals will supply the body with easily digestible proteins, and citrus fruits will help invigorate and tone. You can make an energy shake using oatmeal, honey, banana and yogurt that will fill you up and lift your spirits.

Builder, loader, turner

People engaged in physical labor should consume foods that quickly restore strength and maintain optimal blood glucose levels. Protein bars and protein shakes are an excellent source of protein, which is essential for rebuilding muscle mass and maintaining optimal energy levels throughout the day. Nuts, dried fruits and seeds are high in fat, protein and carbohydrates, which quickly improve your mood and maintain optimal blood glucose levels. You can prepare a delicious and nutritious salad of chicken, vegetables and herbs, seasoned with olive oil and lemon juice, which will fill you up and give you energy to continue your work day.

In general, when snacking at work, you should choose nutritious and healthy foods that will help you maintain energy and a good mood throughout the day. Also remember to drink enough water to maintain optimal hydration levels.