Banana diet: how to lose weight for the benefit of your figure and skin

The banana diet is one of the best fall weight loss methods. How it works and what menu you need to follow, read in our material.

How Nastya Kamenskikh lost weight

The duration of the banana diet is from 3 to 7 days, during which you can lose from 3 to 7 kilograms, respectively. This is a short-term diet that gives quick results if you need to lose a few extra pounds. Of course, in the case when you need to lose significantly more, it is better to choose a different diet option.


The banana diet, first of all, is remarkable because it does not make you feel hungry, since bananas are a fairly tasty and high-calorie product. In addition, they remove toxins from the body, normalize intestinal function and improve skin condition. Yes, and let's be honest, bananas don't get boring at all, even if you eat them daily. They seem especially tasty in the cold season, when the body requires nutritious food.

The downside is the monotony, since the menu on the banana diet is, frankly, meager.

For the banana diet, it is best to choose ripe bananas with bright, yellow skin. It is better not to buy green ones, since their immaturity will not be able to provide the body with all the beneficial substances from this fruit.


The banana diet menu consists only of bananas. You can also indulge in a glass of low-fat kefir in the evening. It is noteworthy that there are no restrictions on the amount eaten. You can eat as many bananas as you want. Nutritionists say that if there is a feeling of hunger, but a person cannot eat a banana, then he is not hungry, but simply wants variety. Therefore, you need to wait a little and eat a banana.

Also, starting from the fourth day, you can eat low-fat cottage cheese for breakfast to provide the body with the presence of protein, which is vital for normal functioning.

Drinks you can drink are water and green tea. As a result of such a diet, you will lose 1 kilogram per day, which can be considered a fairly effective result.

Before starting the banana diet, you should organize yourself two fasting days, giving up fried, smoked, salty and fatty foods. During these two days, eat oatmeal for breakfast, buckwheat with stewed chicken for lunch, and baked fish with vegetables for dinner. Between meals, you can drink a glass of kefir or eat fruit (except grapes).

To prevent the lost kilograms from returning after the end of the diet, try to adhere to the rules of a healthy diet, give up fast food and do not indulge in sweets (you can eat them, but in moderation).

The banana diet is contraindicated for those who suffer from diabetes, varicose veins, and often experience bloating and indigestion.