How to lose weight before the New Year

The New Year is coming soon, and many of us are already thinking about how to look for this holiday. If you are worried about your figure and want to lose weight, then you will need an effective 15-day diet that we recommend.

For 15 days you will need to follow a strict diet that includes black coffee without sugar for breakfast, steaks, eggs, green salad, carrots, tomatoes, cheese, fish, chicken and other foods. It is important to remember that during the diet you need to do exercises and massage to speed up the weight loss process.

By the end of the 15th day you will be able to lose 7-8 kg. But the most important thing is that this diet will change your metabolism and you will not gain weight for 3 years. However, on day 16, when the diet ends, you should not overeat and you need to remain vigilant about your diet.

It is important to note that during the diet you should only drink water (plain or mineral). Carrots can be replaced with tomatoes and vice versa. If you think you need to shed some more pounds, you can repeat this diet after a couple of weeks to achieve your desired results.

Also, apart from diet, it is important to take care of your health and fitness. Remember that exercise and massage will help you speed up the weight loss process, as well as improve the general condition of your body.

Thus, if you really want to lose weight before the New Year, we recommend that you take a closer look at this diet for 15 days. If you strictly follow all its rules, then success is guaranteed! Be slim and beautiful on the holiday!