Mint flavor will help you lose weight quickly

Do you want to lose weight quickly? Then it is not at all necessary to go on exhausting diets, it is enough to inhale the aroma of mint throughout the day!

Scientists conducted studies involving several dozen overweight representatives of the fair sex. The experiment showed that it is the smell of mint that promotes effective weight loss. It is truly unique that you can get rid of extra pounds so easily.

The new aromadiet does not require reducing your diet or excluding your favorite foods. A person simply needs to drop a little peppermint essential oil on his wrist and inhale it throughout the day.

The study authors, based on the results of the experiment, stated that a person using this diet consumes 1,800 fewer calories per week than usual.

What else is mint good for?

In ancient times, it was believed that mint stimulates mental work and strengthens memory. Audiences were even sprinkled with mint water; philosophers and priests did not disdain to decorate their heads with wreaths of flowering plants. The light, refreshing aroma was equally liked by the Egyptian pharaohs and the ancient inhabitants of Nazareth. Mint was crushed and added to honey to pleasantly freshen breath after a long meal.

What does it cure?

  1. Cough
  2. Inflammation of the larynx
  3. Headache
  4. Stagnation of bile
  5. Nausea
  6. Heartburn
  7. Smell from the mouth
  8. Cold fever
  9. Poor circulation

Peppermint masks

Peppermint masks will quickly help refresh oily, aging skin in any conditions. In order to prepare a healthy infusion, you need to brew mint leaves with boiling water. Leave the resulting broth for 25 minutes, then strain thoroughly. Soak cotton pads and keep on face for a maximum of 15 minutes. It is better to make masks from mint infusion in a course (10-12 procedures per month). Peppermint oil in cosmetic products cools and refreshes the skin.

It turns out that mint not only smells good, but it is also very healthy! If you decide to lose weight, then smell mint essential oil; if you have heartburn or nausea, make mint tea.