Why drink tea: 20 important reasons

Tea is considered one of the most ancient and noble drinks many legends, stories and ceremonies are associated with it. And if there is still debate about the benefits and harms of coffee, it is believed that tea definitely has a positive effect on the body. We recommend drinking it daily and we'll tell you why!

The most famous beneficial components of tea are antioxidants they help prolong the youth of the body and fight infectious and cancer diseases. But, you need to remember that this only applies to high-quality loose leaf tea. Tea bags with fruit flavors and additives do not provide any benefits to the body they only affect the taste buds.

You should drink tea every day because it:

  1. Stimulates mental abilities.
  2. Strengthens nerves, relieves stress.
  3. Increases performance.
  4. Eliminates drowsiness.
  5. Soothes the gastrointestinal tract. For better use for these purposes, the drink is infused longer than prescribed for a more complete release of tannins. The taste will become more tart. This tea is especially useful for patients with ulcers.
  6. Restores the function of the thyroid gland, this is more true for green varieties.
  7. Strengthens the walls of capillaries and makes the skin more elastic due to vitamins U2, P and K, useful for skin diseases.
  8. Strengthens tendons and bone tissue.
  9. Protects teeth from caries thanks to the presence of fluoride.
  10. Freshens breath for this you can simply chew a few dry tea leaves.
  11. Useful for liver diseases.
  12. Removes poisons, helps with alcohol intoxication.
  13. Recommended for diabetes.
  14. Promotes urination.
  15. Regulates the combustion of fats in the body.
  16. Normalizes cholesterol levels.
  17. Improves vision tea drinkers are less likely to suffer from cataracts.
  18. Increases immunity.
  19. Prevents chronic diseases.
  20. Promotes weight loss oolong and pu-erh have this property most of all.

It is impossible to say for sure which tea is healthier. Medicinal properties in different types are expressed to varying degrees. For example, black tea is believed to improve cardiovascular health, green tea maintains blood sugar levels, and white tea slows down skin aging.

Therefore, we recommend trying different types and choosing the one you like best. And finally, a reminder of how to properly brew different types of tea.

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