Top 10 reasons to eat kiwi

  1. Kiwi is rich in vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system and increases resistance to infections.

  2. Kiwi improves bowel function and helps with constipation.

  3. Kiwi facilitates digestion and relieves heaviness in the stomach after overeating.

  4. Kiwi reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol and the risk of blood clots.

  5. Regular consumption of kiwi can lower blood pressure.

  6. Kiwi helps prevent dangerous diseases: atherosclerosis, heart attack, Alzheimer's disease.

  7. Kiwi skin contains beneficial antioxidants and has an antiseptic effect.

  8. Kiwi contains 10 times more vitamin C than lemon.

  9. Kiwi juice is good for your diet - low in calories, low in sugar and carbohydrates.

  10. Kiwi effectively burns fat and helps you lose weight.