Products prevent salt deposition in joints

One of the causes of joint pain in old age is salt deposition. The reason lies in the disruption of the blood supply to small joints, due to clogging of capillaries and small vessels. These processes are happening slowly but surely. As a result, “growths” appear on the joints of the hands and feet.

Therefore, you should not wait for joint pain to make itself felt. As soon as you feel the slightest discomfort, try to cleanse and improve the health of the blood vessels. Traditional methods that have proven their effectiveness over time help very well in this case. Practically following cleansing procedures, joints stop hurting and creaking and become more mobile and elastic.

It should be noted that joint cleansing techniques are contraindicated for people who have diseases such as stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Cleansing with rice

Soak one cup of unpolished brown rice in water for three days. Then drain the water, add two glasses of fresh water, and cook until all the water has boiled away. Divide the rice porridge into four equal portions and eat each portion within 20 minutes at regular intervals. Before eating porridge, drink half a glass of water, preferably non-carbonated. During the first day of cleansing, do not eat anything else and drink one glass of rosehip infusion in small portions. The next day, eat only 500 g of beets and 500 g of apples. Repeat the procedure after 3-4 days. Treatment should be continued until even the slightest discomfort in the joints disappears.

Walnut cleansing

One glass of walnut partitions should be infused in 0.5 liters of 40 proof vodka for 18 days. Take equal small portions 2-3 times a day for a month.

Apple Cider Vinegar Cleanse

Dilute 2 teaspoons of natural apple cider vinegar and 2 teaspoons of honey in 1 glass of water. Take 3 times a day half an hour before meals for a month.

Black radish juice cleanse

Wash 10 kg of black radish tubers thoroughly and, without peeling them, disinfect them in potassium permanganate for 15-20 minutes. Rinse the radish in clean water, grate and squeeze out the juice (you will get about 3 liters). You need to store the juice in a tightly closed container and only in the refrigerator! Start drinking 1 teaspoon of juice 1 hour after meals. If the liver does not hurt, gradually increase the dose to 1-2 tbsp. spoons and finally up to 100 ml. Black radish juice is a powerful choleretic agent. And if a lot of salts have accumulated in the bile ducts, pain may occur in the liver. Don't panic, don't grab the medicine, but calmly continue cleaning. Apply a heating pad to the liver area or take warm baths. Usually pain appears only at the beginning, and then, when the salts are released, it disappears. Cleaning continues until the juice runs out. During the cleansing period, you need to exclude fatty foods, meat, starches, eggs and sweet confectionery from your diet.

Attention! Before starting treatment, consult your doctor!