Beauty diet

The beauty diet is designed not only to combat extra pounds, but also to improve complexion, restore shine and purity to the skin, and improve the condition of nails and hair. This diet is designed to provide the body with vitamins. A beauty diet will be especially beneficial during periods of vitamin deficiency.

Beauty Diet 1
Water can be consumed in any quantity between meals or 30 minutes before meals. Herbal teas are allowed (melissa, chamomile, calendula, etc.). Fruits must be of different colors (yellow, red, orange, etc.). Sugar is prohibited. The diet can be followed for 3 to 5 days and repeated once a month.

Sample beauty diet menu:

  1. First breakfast - freshly squeezed fruit juice 100 ml (any), or 100 grams of fresh berries, boiled eggs or a slice of cheese, a slice of ham, a slice of toasted bread + a cup of coffee with milk or tea.

  2. Second breakfast - a slice of cheese or an egg, a salad of vegetables (fresh), a slice of grain bread, 1 fruit (if small, then 2) + a glass of curdled milk or tea

  3. Lunch - vegetable salad (potatoes not allowed), seasoned with vegetables. butter, and a piece of meat (lean) the size of your palm or less

  4. Afternoon snack - fruits

  5. Dinner - a glass of warm milk or low-fat kefir

Beauty Diet 2
This diet is followed for 7 to 30 days. The main effect of following this diet is not only weight loss, but also noticeable improvements in hair condition, skin clarity, and lightness.

Sample diet menu:

  1. Breakfast - oatmeal porridge with water (you can add any dried fruit or apple), freshly squeezed juice (any) + rosehip decoction

  2. Lunch - 30 minutes before it is recommended to drink a cocktail of orange and carrot juice (+ a spoonful of honey). Green vegetable salad (green peppers, lettuce, spinach, kale) dressed with olive oil, vegetable soup, boiled or baked potatoes and a piece of meat (lean) or fish the size of your palm or smaller

  3. Dinner - a salad of various fruits, a piece of boiled chicken or low-fat cottage cheese, herbal tea, figs or 2 dates.

Figs and dates can be postponed until later if hunger strikes in the evenings.