Amazon diet

The most fashionable diet this season comes to us from Belgium. Its creators identified three female types and developed a separate nutrition plan for each. What are the nuances here? Olga Eduardovna Zaikina, biochemist, candidate of biological sciences, leading researcher at the Institute of Immunology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in Moscow, comments.

The developers of the new diet divide all women into three types. The first category includes representatives with rounded shapes, soft, thin skin, and delicate facial features. These women look somewhat like Roman statues. By the way, the problem of the ancient beauty is most often cellulite.

Representatives of the second type are fragile creatures with small breasts and narrow hips. They have their own problem area - the tummy, which gets better first.

The third type is named after the legendary female warriors, the Amazons. These are ladies with a fairly dense, stocky figure. They often have oily skin and enlarged pores. They love meat and are prone to aggression.

This division into types has its own meaning. The first is women of the gynecoid type, with high levels of estrogen hormones. Women of the second type, on the contrary, often experience a lack of these hormones. The Amazon is a distinct representative of the android type, in which male hormones predominate.

In my opinion, a person’s nutrition is predetermined by his genetic predisposition, rhythm of life, biorhythms, occupation and many other factors. But this division into types seems to help women systematize their nutrition.

For each type of woman, diet developers offer a three-day menu designed to help them comfortably lose one and a half kilograms. If this diet is well tolerated, it can be followed longer, until complete loss of excess weight. Determine your type, and we wish you success.

What follows is a description of a three-day menu for each type of woman.