8 Commandments of Healthy Eating

  1. Eat slowly. Fast food is fraught with problems for digestion and health in general. It's better to undereat than to overeat.

  2. Choose fresh foods. Especially vegetables and fruits. After just one day of storage, many useful substances are lost.

  3. Your menu should be varied and include vegetables and fruits. They improve digestion. Eat salads before your main course.

  4. Consider the season. In summer you can do without meat and bread, in winter you need them as a source of energy.

  5. Do not add too much salt or drink while eating. It's better to drink water before meals or between meals.

  6. Arrange fasting days with vegetables, fruits or dairy products.

  7. Don't overcook. It's better to eat freshly prepared food.

  8. Enjoy your food! Pleasant eating improves mood and digestion.