A tasty portion of happiness: antidepressants from the refrigerator

When we feel sad or sad, we often feel a strong desire to comfort ourselves with food. Instead of turning to junk and unhealthy foods, try to include foods in your diet that will help you fight depression and improve your mood. And it’s best if such products are right in your refrigerator. Below are some healthy foods that can help you cope with depression and improve your mood.

Green vegetables
Green vegetables such as kale, spinach, lettuce and broccoli contain folic acid, which may help fight depression. A lack of folic acid can lead to anxiety, irritability and fatigue. Therefore, to charge your body with vital energy and great health, include more greens in your diet. Additionally, eating tomatoes, oranges, bananas, millet and beans can also help improve your mood.

White meat
A breakfast of white meat chicken or turkey can be a nutritious and healthy start to your day. You can also make spinach pasta for lunch. White meat contains the amino acid tryptophan, which helps the body produce serotonin, the hormone of happiness.

Black chocolate
Dark chocolate contains caffeine and antioxidants, which can help improve your mood. However, you should not get carried away with chocolate - half a bar a day is enough.

Olive and nuts
Eating a small handful of almonds or nuts, an avocado, or a salad dressed with olive oil can help improve heart function and add vitality. Scientists have long proven that low-fat diets lead to nervousness and anger, since our brain consists of 60% fat.

Start your day with a glass of water. This will help you wake up and avoid dehydration, since even the slightest lack of water can negatively affect your mood and memory.

Eating carbohydrates in moderation can help improve your mood and concentration. For lunch you can prepare 200 grams. brown rice or wholemeal pasta, lentils and vegetables with skin.

In conclusion, we can fight depression and improve our mood not only with the help of medications, but also with the help of the foods that are in our refrigerator. Including green vegetables, white meat, dark chocolate, olive oil and nuts in your diet, as well as eating moderate carbohydrates and drinking enough water, can help improve your mood and cope with depression. Remember that proper nutrition is one of the important factors of health and well-being, so be sure to pay attention to what you eat and include foods in your diet that can help you feel better.