Losing weight with a star: Tina Kandelaki's diet

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In one of her interviews, the famous socialite and TV presenter Tina Kandelaki noted: “It’s important to just eat right. Until healthy foods become your conscious choice, you will never be slim.”

Below we will share with you the basic nutritional rules of the Russian star and tell you what express diet she resorts to if she needs to quickly lose weight.

Tina Kandelaki has never hidden the fact that she is genetically inclined to be overweight and behind her slender figure is hard work and a lot of effort. On her Instagram account, Tina almost daily posts photos and videos from her sports activities, which never ceases to motivate and inspire her subscribers. But a good figure depends only 30% on regular exercise, the remaining 70% is the star’s proper nutrition, which we will now talk about.

Tina Kandelaki adheres to several simple and well-known nutrition rules:

  1. She completely eliminated flour, sugar, potatoes, alcohol from her diet and minimized the consumption of meat and fatty foods.

  2. Every day, Tina starts with a glass of clean water, then drinks a spoonful of olive oil and only 30 minutes after that starts breakfast. Water and oil help the digestive system wake up and tune in to work properly.

  3. The TV presenter tries not to eat after 6 p.m.

  4. Tina Kandelaki drinks a lot of clean water and replaces coffee with green tea or freshly squeezed juices.

Of course, sometimes Kandelaki has problems, and she can treat herself to forbidden foods. If a star notices that she needs to lose a couple of extra pounds, then a 3-day cleansing diet comes to her aid.

Express weight loss from Tina Kandelaki

Day 1: 5 apples and 5 cups of ginger or green tea.

Day 2. 500 g of buckwheat porridge, which should be divided into 5 meals and ginger tea. Tea should be drunk between meals.

Day 3. 500 g of steamed rice porridge, which is also eaten during the day in 4-5 meals and about 5 cups of ginger tea.

Porridges should be cooked in water without salt or other spices. Also, with such an express diet, you need to drink as much pure water without gas as possible. In addition to weight loss, this menu promotes good digestion and perfectly cleanses the body.