Top 10 ways to cheat hunger

If you do not accept diets and restrictions, but at the same time want to look attractive and beautiful, deceive your stomach. Our advice will help you with this.

  1. Lots of liquid
    The feeling of hunger can be dulled by liquid - juices, unsweetened tea, low-fat kefir or even non-carbonated mineral water with a slice of lemon or orange.

  2. The right colors
    Try to avoid yellow, red or orange colors at home in the kitchen and office - they can whet your appetite. Replace them with cool blue or its shades: this could be dishes, a photo frame, a vase, curtains, and so on. And one more thing - no pictures of food!

  3. Back to the past
    Do you remember how you fed your dolls from a pink service dish as a child? Buy children's multi-colored dishes for yourself and eat from them - you definitely won't eat much!

  4. No spices or sauces
    Avoid spices, herbs and sauces that whet your appetite and make you thirsty.

  5. Hiking
    Scottish scientists have proven that if you take a short walk in the fresh air before eating, you can eat less: this happens because the body is saturated with oxygen. If you can’t go for a walk, do 10-15 minutes of simple fitness exercises - squats, jumping and push-ups.

  6. Visualization
    Before you sit down at the table, imagine yourself thin and airy, in a new dress and with your beloved man on your arm. How can you eat a lot after this?

  7. For breakfast - milk
    Be sure to have breakfast and only food - yogurt, cottage cheese, casserole. They will charge you with energy and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

  8. No crash diets
    Give up strict diets in favor of gentle ones, and only for a few days. The weight lost may come back doubled.

  9. Five meals a day
    Eat five times a day in small portions - this will allow you not to overeat and forget what hunger is.

  10. Smell vanilla and cinnamon
    Buy vanilla or cinnamon sticks and smell them whenever you want to eat. These sweet smells dull the feeling of hunger, especially if there is a strong desire to eat sweets. There are no sticks - these can be aroma candles or bags of powder.

Liana Voinarovskaya