Mukhina's diet

Mukhina's diet is based on traditional Chinese medicine - one of its areas: acupuncture.

The essence of Mukhina's diet method: A gold earring of a special design is inserted into the ear, at the points of hunger and thirst, for a long time (from 1 to 6 months), which affects these points, blocking the feeling of hunger.

During the treatment of obesity with the help of a golden earring needle, a complex effect on the human body is carried out: a healthy stereotype of metabolic processes is formed, a balance is created between the absorption and breakdown of fats, a normal attitude towards the process of eating food is formed, and correct eating behavior is reinforced without gluttony and without starvation.

Processes are launched in the body, as a result of which, in addition to losing excess weight, figure correction and tightening of the skin of the face and body will occur.

During golden needle treatment using the Mukhina method, you must adhere to a strict diet, in which many foods are prohibited, including potatoes, pasta, bread, alcohol and sugar, and you cannot eat after 18.00. But, except for the first 5-7 days, sticking to the diet is not at all difficult. Once every 1.5 months, the patient must come for a follow-up examination and weighing, after which Mukhina analyzes the dynamics of weight loss and makes a decision on continuing or stopping treatment.

If you have lost a lot of weight, the action of one earring needle is not enough; the skin needs to be additionally stimulated so that its elasticity returns faster.