What are gainers and how to take them to gain weight

Modern sport cannot be imagined without sports nutrition. Gainers play an important role in its structure. What are gainers and why are they taken, read in our material.

The word “gainer” comes from the English “gain”, which means “to increase”. A gainer is a carbohydrate-protein mixture with a predominant amount of carbohydrates in its composition. Gainers often contain various carbohydrate complexes to best provide the body with energy. In addition, gainers contain protein to ensure that muscles are supplied with the necessary amino acids for recovery after training.

A high-quality gainer also contains a complex of vitamins, sometimes you can find creatine and glutamine. This supplement actually does not contain fat, so using a gainer will allow you to actively gain muscle mass without adding body fat.

Once upon a time, athletes prepared gainer on their own. To prepare it you need egg whites, sugar and milk. The recipe is simple: raw egg whites are whipped with milk and sugar using a mixer.


The main role of gainers is to gain muscle mass. It should not be used by people who have problems with obesity or a tendency to gain extra pounds. Also make sure that your body has a positive attitude towards the right carbohydrates and does not immediately put them on the sides and butt.

Of course, when taking this drug, muscles do not grow at the behest of a magic wand and no one has canceled training. Also remember that a gainer is not a replacement for a good diet, but only an addition to it.

As a rule, gainers are needed by naturally very thin people who want to gain muscle definition while working out in the gym.


You can find the exact proportions of dilution of the gainer in liquid on the packaging of the product you have chosen. By the way, you can dilute the product in water, juice or milk, as you prefer. Take the gainer 2 hours before training to provide the body with energy. And also after training to give the body material to build muscles.

If you suffer from excessive thinness and gaining weight is a problem for you, drink the gainer 3-4 times a day, subject to intensive training and proper sleep.


If you are not a supporter of purchased sports nutrition, you can replace the gainer with a homemade cereal-based cocktail. Choose any porridge: it can be rice, buckwheat, millet, barley or corn. To prepare the cocktail you will need any boiled porridge, 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese and 250 ml of milk. Mix all the ingredients in a mixer - and your gainer is ready.