How to eat if you want to get pregnant

Today, most girls face various difficulties when conceiving a child. However, a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition are important factors that contribute to successful conception. In this article, we'll look at basic nutritional guidelines for women wanting to get pregnant that can improve their fertility.

  1. Have a hearty breakfast and do not overload your stomach after lunch. Scientists have found that eating most of your food before lunch helps regulate hormones that can interfere with conception. Therefore, the first rule for those wishing to become pregnant is not to skip breakfast and try not to overeat after lunch.

  2. Drink plenty of clean water. Water helps the body remove waste products, toxins and waste, which helps maintain a healthy balance.

  3. Increase your consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables. It is important to get all the vitamins and microelements the body needs. It is recommended to consume a complex of vitamins and microelements, but preference should be given to natural and organic products. Try to buy fresh vegetables, fruits and berries that are in season.

  4. Don't exclude meat from your diet. Vegetarianism may not help you conceive quickly. Meat is a source of important nutrients such as protein and iron.

  5. Include foods containing omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in your diet. They are beneficial to the body and can be found in extra virgin olive oil, pumpkin oil, walnut oil, fish, nuts and seeds.

  6. Increase your intake of foods rich in folic acid. Green vegetables, cabbage, potatoes, cereals and oranges contain folic acid, which reduces the risk of serious neural tube defects in a child by up to 70%. It is recommended to take adequate amounts of folic acid daily before conception and during the first weeks of pregnancy.

  7. Pay attention to your iodine intake. Iodine not only supports the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, but also promotes a regular cycle, which is an important condition for successful conception. Seaweed, seafood and feijoa are sources of iodine. You can also take iodine supplements as recommended by your doctor.

  8. Avoid excessive consumption of caffeine and alcohol. Caffeine and alcohol can negatively affect fertility and increase the risk of problems conceiving. It is recommended to limit caffeine intake and avoid alcohol completely while planning pregnancy.

  9. Watch your weight and maintain a healthy activity level. Being overweight or underweight can have a negative impact on fertility. Maintain a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, to maintain an optimal weight and activity level.

  10. See your doctor. If you are having difficulty conceiving or would like more detailed nutritional advice, it is important to seek the advice of a doctor or nutritionist. They will be able to conduct an individual assessment of your health and make recommendations based on your specific needs.

It is important to remember that each person is different and these recommendations are general guidelines. When planning a pregnancy, it is best to consult with a doctor or specialist to receive personalized recommendations that take into account your health and body characteristics.