Star diet: how Erica Herceg lost weight

The lead singer of the Via Gra group, Erica Herceg, lost 30 kilograms in just 8 months. How she managed to do this - read in our material.

How the Japanese diet can make a plump woman look slimmer

Erica Herceg, the sexy lead singer of the Via Gra group, was ashamed of herself a few years ago. Her weight was beyond the normal range, and her self-esteem dropped below zero. And then one day Erica said to herself: “Enough!”, and began to struggle with excess weight. It is worth noting that the motivation for starting a new life for Herceg was the desire to achieve something in a big city, since Herceg had just moved to Kyiv. Now Erica weighs 52 kilograms and is absolutely pleased with herself.


Erica's main secret to losing weight is proper split meals, physical and psychological stress. So, the singer divided her diet into 4-5 meals and excluded unhealthy foods. More precisely, not even like that. Herceg reduced one serving to the size of a fist, allowed herself foods like buns or sweets strictly until 2 p.m., and took her last meal 4 hours before bedtime. Herceg also tried to avoid meat, replacing it with fish. The singer did not forget to drink water, allowing herself 2 cups of coffee latte a day.

Strictly prohibited products: catering dishes and carbonated drinks.

In parallel with nutrition, Erica tried to withstand physical activity. She herself says that she was not involved in fitness in those days, but she worked two jobs, which in terms of energy expenditure completely replaced the gym. After 8 months of the new lifestyle, Herceg saw the treasured 50 kilograms on the scales.

If we talk about the menu, then for breakfast Erica ate something from fermented milk products, as well as fruit and coffee. Lunch consisted of fish or shrimp and vegetable salad. Dinner - vegetables in the oven or salad. The last meal is milk. Agree, with such a diet you can feel great and, no less great, lose weight.

“It wasn’t difficult for me to eat this way,” says Herceg, emphasizing that she didn’t limit herself, but simply tried to build the right approach to food.

It is worth noting that after Erica lost everything she wanted, she is constantly working on maintaining weight. “Maintaining weight happens somehow naturally,” Herceg writes on his Instagram. So, the singer still eats 5 times a day, consumes all foods that can be deposited on the sides in the first half of the day, and leaves vegetables and dairy products for the evening. In addition, as part of her work at Via Gra, she practices choreography every day, works in the gym three times a week, and does not forget about home workouts. “I still don’t limit myself. It’s just that when you eat a balanced diet, you never eat a whole pizza or cake,” Erica is sure.