Yogi diet: long-lasting and healthy

Yoga is not only stretching exercises and meditation, but also a special diet that helps keep the body in shape, strengthen the spirit and improve the overall condition of the body. The yogi diet is a set of foods that help you stay healthy and vigorous, and also strengthen a person’s spiritual qualities.

Let's look at what a yogi's diet looks like throughout the week.

Monday is milk day. Yogis begin the week by cleansing the body. They drink kefir all day, a glass in the morning, lunch and evening. In the morning, it is recommended to do a cleansing enema, which will help get rid of toxins and waste.

Tuesday is rice day. For breakfast, yogis eat 200 grams of oatmeal without oil, which can be seasoned with honey. Lunch and dinner consist of rice or potato soup with a small amount of butter, as well as a glass of kefir for dinner.

Wednesday and Thursday are fruit days. Yogis eat fruits and vegetables in any form three times a day. In addition, you can add a glass of yogurt and a slice of rye bread to your diet.

Friday is milk day. Breakfast consists of milk rice porridge (150 g). Lunch is spinach soup with rice and salad, and for dinner again milk rice porridge.

Saturday is a fast day. For breakfast, yogis eat boiled wheat, a glass of raw milk or tea, and cottage cheese. Lunch is lean soup, salad and bread, and for dinner again a glass of kefir or cottage cheese with honey.

Sunday is a fasting day. Yogis can eat any food in small quantities, including meat. But this is only for one day, because the next day a new week and a new nutrition cycle begins.

The yogi diet is a long-term and healthy nutrition system that helps maintain health and vigor for many years. Yogis are convinced that proper nutrition is the basis of health, and spiritual practice helps maintain balance in the body. If you want to try the yogi diet, be sure to consult your doctor and remember about moderation in food and a healthy lifestyle.