Ready-made healthy sweets: what to choose?

Don’t know any sweets that you could treat yourself to during the holidays without compromising your figure and health?

Sweet is different from sweet, and refusing it is not always justified. After all, we, first of all, leave our brain without food, and life without sweets seems somehow black and white. But there are sweets that are healthy even if you are losing weight.

In addition to the well-known and popular:

Honey, which, unlike sugar, contains up to 70 useful substances, including vitamins B2, PP, C, B6, pantothenic acid, vitamin H, folic acid, vitamins K and E, calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron, iodine. And the enzymes contained in honey increase appetite, improve digestion, and help food be absorbed.

Dried fruits. They are easy to satisfy your hunger and are great as a snack. Dried fruits also contain a number of minerals - calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, and therefore are good for the heart.

Dark chocolate, which helps regulate blood pressure during hypotension, strengthens the heart and blood vessels, helps cope with stress and leaves no chance of seasonal depression.

You can also buy in the store:

Lump white or cane sugar

“Lump” sugar is the name given to sugar, which is essentially a large piece of sugar cut into small pieces.

Sugar produced on the island of Mauritius is considered the best. This is lump and white sugar TM "Sladov". The superb lush greenery of the sugarcane plantations on this island is recognized as the best raw material for the production of unrefined cane sugar. Therefore, lump sugar is most valued by gourmets around the world.

The jagged cubes, 5-7 grams each, have an unrivaled crunchy texture and are infused with tropical sugarcane flavor.

Cane lump white and brown sugar has a low glycemic index, helps keep the body fit and healthy.

With moderate consumption, cane sugar will never cause excess weight.

Sugar cane, which is used to produce lump sugar, provides the body with glucose, which is stored as glycogen and burned by the muscles when they require energy. Therefore, cane brown sugar is considered one of the best sources of energy, helping to revitalize, fill with energy and eliminate dehydration of the body after physical exercise. Cane brown sugar is widely used in sports nutrition to achieve maximum performance in sports and endurance.

White and brown lump sugar contain a variety of important nutrients and minerals. It contains magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium and iron.

Replace regular sugar in your diet with cane lump sugar and you will immediately feel the difference and feel the result on your waist.

Brown cane sugar can help you stay slim and energetic.

On store shelves you can find white and brown lump sugar.

White lump sugar TM "Sladov" has a delicate tropical aroma and snow-white color.

Brown lump sugar TM "Sladov" has an exquisite tropical aroma and the natural brown color of cane molasses.

Famous world coffee shops and restaurants are increasingly offering their customers lump cane sugar. Becoming an ideal addition to tea and coffee, it gives these drinks new original shades of taste and aroma.

In addition, white and golden brown pieces of cane sugar TM "Sladov" will serve as a wonderful table decoration and a healthy treat!

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