Putting the figure in order

Another weekend was not in vain. If the extra pounds were not added, then an annoying feeling of hunger appeared. Every now and then I feel the urge to look into the refrigerator and chew something. To prevent this desire from leading to excess weight, you must follow two simple rules.

First, partially satisfy your hunger with water (drink either plain or mineral water). And, secondly, watch what you eat. I WANT offers an approximate list of dishes that will be both tasty and healthy. And, in addition, they will not lead to weight gain. Each day, choose one breakfast, one lunch, one dinner and two energy-dense snacks.

Breakfast options:

  1. Fresh fruit salad (apple, banana, several grapes and a glass of natural yogurt).
  2. Toast with honey, a few grapes and 25 grams of bran flakes diluted with milk.
  3. A slice of grilled lean bacon, baked tomatoes and two bran toasts.

Options for interchangeable lunches and dinners:

  1. Sandwich of two slices of wholemeal bread with 75 grams of boiled skinless chicken (or a slice of ham with lettuce and cucumber). You can also use: tuna (50 grams) with lemon juice and tomato slices, or 100 grams of homemade cheese with herbs and chopped gherkins.
  2. Two toasts from bran bread, 130 grams of boiled beans, baked tomatoes and an orange.
  3. Any grilled fish (150 grams), a large portion of vegetable salad and a wholemeal bun.
  4. An apple, cabbage, lettuce and cucumber salad, plus 200 grams of potatoes, boiled in their jackets (this is approximately two large potatoes).
  5. A large portion of mixed salad with 100 grams of chicken or turkey, a slice of berry pie.
  6. Half a grapefruit, 125 grams of lean lamb, grilled, cauliflower, 50 grams of green peas.


  1. A large portion of fresh vegetables, dressed with a sauce from a glass of yogurt with the addition of a teaspoon of mustard and lemon juice to taste.
  2. One apple and ten grapes.
  3. A small bun made from wholemeal flour with salad filling.

By following these simple nutrition tips, you can not only get rid of excess appetite after the weekend, but also get your figure in order. Bon appetit!

Author: Maria Lukina
Photo: natural-medicine.ru