How to prepare your body for the New Year's feast

New Year's Eve is known not only for its glitter and tinsel, but also as a night of gluttony. We all love to enjoy delicious salads and sweets during this festive season. However, preparing the body for a large meal, which is not always healthy, is an important step. Often, in the last week before the New Year, due to many things to do, we pay little attention to our health. But we recommend being aware and following a few simple rules. In this article we will tell you what you need to do a week before the holiday so that the first of January does not become a disappointment!

  1. How to learn not to overeat during a feast

When we strive to lose weight for the New Year's party, we often feel the urge to immediately start a strict diet a week before the holiday. However, this approach can be harmful to the body. You shouldn't starve or restrict yourself too much, since you are unlikely to lose a significant amount of weight in such a short period of time, and your stomach may not be able to cope with the abundance of holiday food, causing discomfort. It is recommended to simply try not to overeat this week, exclude smoked foods and fast food, and also do not forget about a hearty breakfast.

  1. Regular training

Even if you have limited time, find an opportunity to exercise for at least half an hour a day. Choose a workout program aimed at burning calories before the New Year. This will help the body use up nutrient reserves and create some energy deficit. This way, some of the calories you consume will be used to maintain muscle rather than being converted into excess fat.

  1. Moderate alcohol consumption

Alcoholic drinks negatively affect the digestive system. If you plan to enjoy holiday drinks on New Year's Eve, you should limit your alcohol consumption the week before. If you need to drink, preference should be given to wine rather than carbonated drinks.

  1. Adequate sleep and rest

To feel good, look fresh and have a fun New Year's Eve, it is important not to overload yourself before the holiday. Don't stay at work until late, don't try to get everything done at the last minute. It’s better to finish something over the weekend after the New Year than to deprive yourself of proper sleep. Good sleep will give the body the necessary strength for active dancing and a hearty feast.

  1. Immune support

To avoid possible troubles in the form of a cold or illness, it is recommended to strengthen the immune system. There is a recipe for an infusion to improve immunity and overall well-being. You will need 1 tablespoon of chamomile, sage, calendula, yarrow, valerian, St. John's wort and echinacea. Mix all the herbs, pour 1 cup of boiling water, let it brew for 40 minutes, cool and strain. Drink this infusion 1 glass 2 times a day before meals.

It is important to remember that health and comfort during the New Year's feast depend on our preliminary preparation. By following simple rules, you can enjoy the holiday without feeling discomfort or compromising your health.

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