Three gentle spring diets. Let's remember!

In winter, we usually move less and eat more, which can lead to excess weight and excess fatty tissue in the body. But spring has come, time to renew and prepare for summer. To lose excess weight, you can use gentle diets that nourish the body with vitamins, in combination with physical exercise. In this article, we'll look at three different gentle diets that will help you achieve the results you want.

Diet No. 1

This diet lasts 10 days and can be repeated after a few weeks. Nutritionists claim that this diet will help you get rid of at least 5 kg per course. The advantage of this diet is that during the day you will eat what you are used to (except flour and sweets), only the quality of food will change in the evening.


  1. 7.00-7.30 – usual breakfast.
  2. 11.30-12.00 – usual lunch.
  3. 16.00-17.00 – afternoon tea. The condition of the diet is a mandatory meal during this period of time. You can drink unsweetened green tea, low-fat yogurt, or freshly squeezed citrus juice.
  4. From 17.00 until the end of the day, it is recommended to drink 3-4 glasses of water mixed with apple juice, you can eat 1 fruit or vegetable. During the break between diets, you can refuse the afternoon snack, and instead have dinner between 17.30-18.30. Vegetable salads with iodized salt and olive oil will help you satisfy your hunger.

Diet No. 2

This diet lasts 7 days, but it can be extended to 10 days. But experts still recommend limiting yourself for a week, and then resorting to it again after two weeks.


  1. First breakfast: a cup of unsweetened black coffee or tea.
  2. Second breakfast: a piece of cheese (40 g).
  3. Lunch: 1 egg, 120 g of steamed or boiled lean meat, a piece of cheese (20 g).
  4. Afternoon snack: unsweetened tea.
  5. Dinner: boiled meat (120 g), vegetable salad with vegetable oil.
  6. At night: a glass of brewed mint.

Diet No. 3

This gentle diet lasts 10 days and includes a varied menu.


  1. The first breakfast is muesli with low-fat milk, unsweetened coffee or tea.
  2. Second breakfast - 1 fruit (optional - apple, banana, orange), a glass of unsweetened rosehip infusion.
  3. Lunch – vegetable soup without potatoes, vegetable salad, choice of a small piece of fish, chicken or egg, a slice of bread.
  4. Afternoon snack – 100 g of dried fruits and green tea.
  5. Dinner – vegetable salad, unsweetened tea or kefir.
  6. Before bed - a glass of kefir or an apple.

During the day, you can fuel your body with various nuts (10 pieces each), raisins and herbs. And be sure to do physical exercises, without them you will not achieve the effect. Even if you don't have the time or opportunity to go to a gym, buy a hula hoop, spin it at home, or jump rope.

In conclusion, I would like to note that gentle diets are not the only way to lose weight and get your body in shape. Don't forget about a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, moderate physical activity and enough sleep. If you want to achieve long-term results, don't just follow a diet, but change your overall lifestyle.